Sunday, November 7, 2010

{Attitude of Gratitude} day 7

day 7:
very grateful for a day of rest! my mind, body and soul surely needs it.

i think many times we get so busy in our lives that we truly forget about ourselves. each week we need to TRULY feed our mind, body and souls. we need to take time to rest and rejuvenate. get prepared for the week ahead and close the week behind us.

if we are busy every day of the week we are not allowing ourselves true REST. sunday is the day the lord set aside for us to do so.
"nothing is worth more than this day" ~goethe
if we are constantly giving and giving we will end up having nothing. we will have nothing to give and nothing left for ourselves.

i really enjoy the rule of the six R's from the book "a weekend to change your life" {find your authentic self after a lifetime of being all things to all people} by joan anderson.

take time each week to REST your mind, body and soul. make sure you are giving just as much to YOU as you do for others. by doing will feel true REST!

day 7: are you resting your mind,
body and soul?

1 comment:

:Jayne said...

were you following me around today? I didn't rest! But I did some nice things I've been wanting to do.
Miss you!