Thursday, November 11, 2010

{Attitude of Gratitude} day 11

day 11:
grateful for those in my family who serve(d) our country in the united states military past & present. my grandfather, gilbert capron (dec) army; uncles, matt capron (ret) army, jeff wallace navy, ken wallace (ret) air force & my siblings, kelly rose air force, jeremy capron active army & jr sibble (ret) army. on veteran's day, and each day, we appreciate your service to our country.

we are so blessed to live in a country where we have freedom in almost everything we do. i am so thankful for all of my family members who have served and continue to serve this great country of ours. i am thankful for all of the brave men and women who have fought for my families freedom. who lost their lives fighting for the united states of america. for the families who support and sacrifice so much for their soldier to be serving this great country.

may we remember on this veteran's day ALL who served this country so bravely. i solute you and thank you with all my heart.

day 11: please honor those who served, do serve and will continue to serve!

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