Saturday, November 6, 2010

{Attitude of Gratitude} day 6

day 6:
grateful for my mommy!!

i am soooo, so thankful for my mommy!! she is my roCk, my heRo, my fRiend and the best mom in the world!! i have always thought i was the luckiest girl in the world to have such an amaZing mother. she has been there for me more times than i can count. the lord totally knew what he was doing when he sent me to her.

it's not always easy being a mom. sometimes {most of the times} it's the hardest job in the world. yet in the end it is the most rewarding one.

for the past 37 years of my life i have been blessed to have my mom so close to me. she is less than 5 minutes away. we have only been apart for 1 year of my life and that is when she moved to mapleton, utah for a year. i never realized the blessing you receive by having your mother so close. i am so thankful for the time we have and the moments we get to share with each other. the memories that are made and the love that continues to build. i can't imagine my life without her.

thank you mom for loving me, supporting me, guiding me, pushing me to reach my goals and picking me up when i fall. you are my inspiration!!

i love you mommy...

day 6: who are you grateful for?

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