Friday, November 12, 2010

{Attitude of Gratitude} day 12

day 12:
i am very grateful for my good friend Janna Keever Landis.

janna and i have been friends since 2004. we first met when i attended a scrapbook trade show, cha in dallas, texas in 2004. she was my scrapbook rep for my scrapbook store. i eventually closed my store and started working with her and her amaZing company janna gifts, etc. i was her northern arizona rep for all the scrapbook/craft stores in the area. while repping janna and i became good friends. i have many fond traveling memories with her and will cherish them forever {red vines}. we have also shared many creative escapes together as well. i just love being around her. i am so blessed that our paths crossed over 6 years ago and i am very grateful to call her my friend!

i love you janna and thanks for being my friend. i hope we continue to make many more memories.

day 12: who are you grateful for that you have fuN,
fond memories of?

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