Monday, November 1, 2010

{Attitude of Gratitude} day 1

hello NOVEMBER...what??? where the heck did august, september and october go? i can't believe 2010 is almost over.

thanksgiving is this month and we all are reminded to give thanks on that day. why not do it for the entire month? one day of gratitude for each day in november. will you take this challenge with me? i promise you life will be changed.

you can take a picture, you can think of a word, person, place or whatever speaks to you that day. you can keep it private, in a journal, on your blog, facebook or make a special album. the choice is yours...i just ask of you to have a 30 day change of attitude.

day 1:
i am grateful for hot water. that's right...HOT WATER!! i spent the weekend at glamis sand dunes in california and had a great time. the only thing is...SAND EVERYWHERE!! it was so nice to come home, turn on the water spout and feel the warm water on my skin. i am grateful for being able to pay my bills that allows me this privilege of HOT water.

day 1: what are YOU thankful for?

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