Thursday, October 4, 2007

to liSt or not to lisT...

that is the question? remember how i said i livE by a list. a "to do" list. for me i write down everything. i mean EVERYTHING!! i need to visually see my progress and check off my list. i know for some of you, you may not need these list. that you can plan and organize your day with ease. for me (and i hope many others out there) we need our lists. whatever we don't accomplish rolls over for tomorrow. so here is mine in no particular order that i thought i would share with you.

to do list: thursday 10.4.07

  • wake up
  • shower
  • get dressed (you can get a lot accomplished in your pj's)
  • write my to do list
  • get kids up
  • take "d" to school 8
  • get "a" dressed and breakfast
  • sign "h" planner and sent a note to teacher
  • help "d" finish homework
  • write blog
  • check rhonna's blog for my daily inspiration
  • check participant's blogs and leave comments
  • blog lurking & post comments (all the ones on my blog)
  • check voice mail
  • return calls
  • check e-mails
  • return e-mails
  • write orders
  • send/fax orders to customers
  • fax/e-mail orders to vendors
  • sync computer
  • laundry
  • dishes
  • figure out dinner
  • cook dinner
  • clean up dinner
  • call stores about orders/questions
  • spread sheet for weekly sales (3 months behind)
  • organize orders
  • print out orders for the last 3 months
  • file orders in store files
  • check off 3 months of commission statements
  • help "h" with homework
  • preview "h" planner
  • help "a" with homework
  • download pictures onto computer
  • arrange and put into correct files
  • balance check book
  • get kids ready and into bed
  • wish brenda a happy belated birthday
  • work on art journal
  • call laurel at we r memory keepers
  • call heidi swapp/advantus
  • call adornit/carolee's creation
  • unpack 2 boxes (moved into a new home in july)
  • clean out catalogs in work room
  • open boxes from rep companies and put away

then there are the unexpected things that come up that aren't on your list that you can count as accomplished.

  • take "t" to school early for band
  • text my boss back
  • IM my sister in law
  • take "t" his band gear (as he forgot about competition today)
  • upload some new music
  • sing & dance around my house
  • talk with brad, debbie and my mom (while multi tasking)
  • place 2 more orders

so what did i get accomplished todaY? everything highlighted in RED!! i would call today a GREAT day for me. i feel so accomplished, so good and really haPpY!!!! this is also a great way to let your husband know that you didn't sit on the couch and eat bon bons all day. sometimes your tasks aren't always visual for them to see, lol. with mY to do list, no questions asked. i may not always have great days like this. though seeing even a little of them marked off, i can feel good about what i have accomplished. whether you list or not list, the choice is yours. how ever you accomplish your day feel good about it. feel accomplished in your day. know that you did your best with the 24 hours you have been given. there will never be enough time to do it all but, to do what is important... is what truly counts!! have a great evening. *hugs* connie


dianna said...

After reading your list...I need a nap!
I hope just by posting I can channel some of your energy...Yippee you *!* :)

Bradley said...

Hey.... you said my name..... Cool!!!! I wrote a list once.....Once.....I lost it, though..... Mad props on all you got done!!!! That is way cool.