Wednesday, October 3, 2007

waCky wEdnEsdaY...

i slept from 7 p.m. last night to 7 a.m. this morning i should be refreshed, right? NOT. woke up with a huge headache and a list that keeps growing. trying to play catch up on my work and staying caught up is gonna be craZy today with a soccer game at 1. breathe, just breathe. i can do this. i can get everything done if i stay on target. i will survive.

the night is growing near and i am excited the day is over. i survived another day. i was able to cross off a lot on my to do list and it was so grEat as i felt accomplished. tomorrow will be a new day with a less busy list. wasn't able to make the soccer game. i just had way to much to do. there will be other games i keep telling myself. that it is ok when mom is so busy and that the kids will have to forgive us for our one game not attended. i still feel guilty for not being there though. with all my busyness i even cooked dinner, which is a huge task for me on days like this. yes, i know dinner should be cooked every night. see at my house... my goal is to cook at least 3 times a week (mon-fri). it's not that i don't like to cook but, there are days i just don't feel like it. those are the days that the children usually like cause they get to have breakfast for dinner. eggs, cereal, waffles, you name it they LOVE it!! then there are the days that they really urn for some of mom's homemade cooking. i love these days. makes me feel like they really do appreciate it when i cook. i hope i am not the only mom out there that doesn't cook every night of the week. if you are one of those moms or dads...i solute you! that's all for today. going to try and catch up my art journal. i want to post some more pictures. have a great evening. *hugs* connie

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