Monday, October 22, 2007

all they days in between thursday and today...

it has been a very busy few days. i'm gonna try and go back and recap if i can.

i was rushing around all day trying to get everything done before i headed out of town. i was leaving for the weekend to attend the armstrong family fundraiser in phoenix. i was to get there by noon but, all those last minute details made me really late. i ended up getting there a little before 5 p.m. remember i am 3 1/2 hours away so it wasn't like i could just get up and go. it was a great success. kristan did such an amazing job getting everything all organized. she had some great help from a lot of wonderful women and men. for more info on the event you can check out her blog or the armstrong family fundraiser blog. i stayed there until almost 10 p.m. until my eyes were about to close. i knew i still had a 30 minute drive to my in laws were i was to sleep my little self for the evening. with the drive down and not sleeping but 4 1/2 hours thursday night i was pretty tired. i had a hard time even doing my blog that night but, i did it. i was hoping to have a wonderful nights rest and to get to sleep in, ha! forgot to call my in laws so i had to sneak into their house. i felt like i was in high school again. talked with my sister in law while sneaking in for two reasons...needed the light to stay on on my cell phone, and if i couldn't get in i needed directions to her house. two...she was worried about me and wanted to make sure i got in ok. all worked out and i got in and got settled. i was so excited about no kids, a bed to myself and sleeping in! NOT!! their dog needed out so i needed to take care of him. was trying really hard to be quiet not to wake the in laws up. did however enjoy the bed to myself but, the alarm clock was set and woke me up in the middle of the night. then sleeping in, ha...up bright and early by 7 am. guess i could call it sleeping in but, my body had a mind of it's own. woke up with a massive headache and laid there for a bit. texted a few people who i knew would be up and then i fell back to sleep for an hour. finally got up at 9 a.m. on to saturday.

i was to spend the entiRe day with my best friend debbie. doing girl things and just hanging out and catching up. we haven't done this in like f-o-r-e-v-e-r! guess what...she had to work ALL day and then needed to spend the evening with her husband. what's up with that, it was girLs day! i slowly got myself moving along. visited with my mother in law and talked with my sister in law to try and make some new plans for saturday. i went and visited a friend from jr high and daughter. it was great! we hung out, caught up and enjoyed watching her play. nothing i think is more awEsome than watching children play. only thing camera. i know, i know what you are thinking... me a scrapbooker and no camera. let me remind you i had to go to plan "b" since i was stood up by my best friend. had i thought about it we could have used our cell phones or got a disposable one, duh. anywho... guess we'll have to keep the memories in our minds. maybe they can write it down so they can remember their day. i know it was very relaxing and enjoyable for me. oh, forgot to mention i had a strawberry creme from starbucks!!! now that was yuMmY! don't have them where i live and have only been there three or four times, EVER. after my plaY i got to enjoy some alone time shopping. i had a birthday gift certificate for months and i was FINALLY getting to use it, thanks jody, allie and doyle! got some gREat buys!! after this was said and done i had realized why i STILL had a headache...hadn't eaten all day. silly me, guess i thought i could drop a few, lol. now i talked with my sister in law who is an hour away from where i was to find out we were going out, just the girls, YEA! it's 7 p.m and i have a drive and i was hungry. got to her house snacked on a slice of pizza that i had to pick mushrooms off of but, i was grateful and it hit the spot! thanks guys. it's now 9 p.m and us three girls got to go out. no kids, no husband, no phones just uS! we had a great time together and have some fuN memories! you girLs know how to rocK!!! another late night/morning. went to sleep at about 4 a.m. but was woken up by a little one who needed fed. then couldn't seem to get comfy on the couch and then finally the last time i checked my phone it was 5:33 a.m. and i don't remember anything until about 7 when i heard 7 little ones come down the stairs. all i remember is hearing my nephew say..."shhh, my aunt connie is sleeping on the couch we need to go outside". thanks "b" for remembering i was there. so again another sleepless night and i was up and ready to go home by 10 a.m. then...

forgot that i talked with deb about meeting for lunch. ya, that didn't happen. after i got all ready to go i looked at the time. you guessed it, i was to be there right then. it was 11 a.m and i was over an hour away. she still wanted to get together and try to catch up real quick so i met her at the mall. i ate at the food court while we visited. i missed lunch at... the cheesecake factory. man, won't do that again. they have great food and amaZing cheesecake! i so wish i lived closer to deb. we never have enough time. we still need to do a girl trip so we can hang for more than a day. caLi next yeaR right? i hope so and i am looking forward to it. anywho... left her and made a few pit stops before heading out of town. pit stops were much needed. got my fixes, lol and i was off. had my neW michael buble cd and i was set! my 3 hour drive home was awesomE do to mY days away and my tunes. couldn't ask for a better weekend...sleep or no sleep. it was fabulous and much needed. always the same thing though...never enough time.

i will post about today on a new post. if you hung in there and read this entire entry. THANK YOU!! hope you had some free time to read (as this was a way tooo long entry) and that i didn't warn you ahead of time. (this is why i need to blog dailLy) you are a true trooper, an amaZing friend, a lurker or maybe all of these. maybe you just wanted to see if i mentioned yOu in my blog, lol. you know who you are...the ones that make my day by leaving all the comments. for me it's fun to read the comments and to know that i am looking at the view counter getting eXcited cause people actually do read my nonsense. THANKS again.

1 comment:

Bradley said...

Action packed, to say the least. Good times. It's great to write and recap at the same time, eh? Is lurker the same as stalker? Just curious because I like to read but I don't like labels.... :)