Monday, October 22, 2007

first daY in the rEaL woRk worLd...

wow!!! can you say everything that could go wrong did this morning. it started with last night being sooo tired and crying myself to sleep right after i set my alarm. i felt like a kid getting readY for their fiRst day of school. remember it has been over 14 years that i had been in the real world work force. alarm went off this morning and i cried again. wondering to myself...did i make the right decision, could i do this, was i gonna be good enough, how was the rest of my day gonna go and what about my other jobs...including being a wife and mother?! my daughter missed the bus, two older boys ran late and i was fReaKing OUT!!! needed to get myself put together, get my daughter to school (without being late), my two boys to high school and me to work by 8:30 and it was 7:45, YIKES! guess what... I DID IT and i was to work by 8:15!!! my day at work i think went well. i had an amaZing trainer and the office manager was very helpful too. we did experience a leak in the bathroom but, overall it was good. tomorrow will be my first day on my own. crossing my fingers now. everything else went ok after i got home. still had all the things to do as though i wasn't working outside of the house but, i seem to manage ok. i think once i get a regular routine going and the kids understanding we need to move a little earlier, we all will do fine. had a good conversation with a friend today that has put a perma grin on my face. can't seem to wipe it off no matter what i am doing, need to be doing, thinking about or multi-tasking! thanks ;0) i better get everyone settled so i can be to bed again by 10:30. it's a new dawn, a new day, a new lifE... in the rEaL woRk worLd in the morning. *hugs*

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh My Goodness Connie what a day !!! Where did you get a day job ??? Tell us all about it !!!