Monday, October 15, 2007

monday and bluE skies...

last night i was awaken by a little girl and a bad dream. didn't really get to find out about the bad dream, she just wanted to be next to her mommy. so she crawled into our queen bed and slept with us (until mom was getting squished) then daddy put her back to bed. then about an hour later i heard this beep. not to sure what it was. then i asked galen if it was his phone and he said i don't know (it was 4 something in the morning and we weren't quite with it). i asked him to check, he said yes and said it was a text message. i said it must be christine, she must of had her baby!!! so i checked it and i was right. the text came at 4:23 a.m. letting us know that at 3:15 a.m. little dusty fox {after his dad's grandpa} was born. she was five days late but, that pedicure on saturday must have worked. so excited to have a new little one in the family!! congrats you two, we love you!! this makes 13 grand kids on galen's side (9 boys and 4 girls). ok sister in laws we need more GIRLS! they ain't coming from me or sister sherri so you three need to get a movin'. i was so excited to wake up late this morning. the kids have no school today or tomorrow (fall break) which is weird cause we have never had a fall break before. so it was nice to yet again SLEEP IN! though with it being monday... life is busy. we add all the activities onto the calender and plan out our week as a family. for me i need to catch up on laundry, house work and work. always have loads of e-mails to check after a weekend. i can call the e-mails done at this time. will need to check them again after a bit. i can take a few minutes and write in my blog, which i love to do!! if you have noticed i got the song dianna told me to check out on my blog. thanks to an awesome friend who found it for me. so i have been listening to it and the words. i soooo need this song! i need to listen to it everyday...i need to remember to be thankful. don't know if i am, enough. this songs reminds me so much of my oldest. he was born completely blind. he is 16, blind, autistic and mentally challenged. when i watch him, how can i NOT smiLe. his world of darkness yet, you will always find a smile on his face. he can lift any one's spirits by his smile. to see his world through truly amaZing. i am adding this scrapbook layout i did of him and his dad. as i read what i wrote 4 years ago it put me in a better mood. a thankful, blessed mood. here is what i wrote... {lead me, guide me, walk beside me... imagine...seeing the world through austin's eyes. austin being born totally blind at birth and with other disabilities enjoys the outdoors so much. he may not see the world like you or i but, we know he sees it. with help from his mom and dad, austin gets to see GOD'S creations through touch, smell, taste, sounds and through our eyes.} today...i see clearly that God has blessed me not only with blue skies but, an amaZing son. for that~ i am truly thankful.


Bradley said...

Thank you for those words. Reminded me how I blessed I am to know you.

dianna said...

How sweet are you*?* :) I'm so glad that song hit a *note* with you like it does for me.

After a year and a half of suspecting and many months of testing, my daughter was just diagnosed with ADD. I wasn't handling it well (concern, fears, doubting my parenting,etc...) but you, my dear, have just inspired me*!* Your sweet Austin has taught you...I just need to sit back and let my daughter teach me. Ahhhh...
*I can see clearly now.....*
Thank You*!*