Monday, October 15, 2007

a littLe of this and a littLe of that...

i didn't get to write about my saturday and sunday so i thought i would kinda fill ya in real quick. not writing on saturday put me in a major withdrawal mode. didn't realize by making this a habit and not getting to do that habit would put me in such a tizzy. we had a crazy busy weekend. we drove down late on friday and arrived at 1 in the morning. we needed to be at the baptism by 9:30 a.m. i did not know that a 15 year old boy would take so long to get ready. i was able to get ready before him and that is very unusual for this gal. needless to say, hE made us LATE! we did however make it there in time to see the actual baptism take place, whew. after the baptism we had a luncheon with all the family and friends that attended. it was nice to just sit and relax and enjoy everyones company. we were all hoping that galen's 2nd sister would have her third baby (on sat she was 3 days over due) while we were there as well. we have been very lucky with this sister. every time we have been down there she has had a baby. it's great to be there when we get a new niece or nephew in the family. anyways, no luck baby didn't come. we are all so anxiously awaiting as we don't know what she is having. they didn't want to find out this time around. while we were there i was able to meet up with my best friend, deb for lunch at the cheesecake factoryand then off to the mall. haven't been there in like f-o-r-e-v-e-r. got some much need essentials that i only get once a year. after this i went back to my in laws to meet up with galen for our date night with my brother and his wife and her cousin and husband. what a much needed night without kids. had a gReat time. thanks guys and gaLen too!

sunday was wonderful as i got to sleep in. this never happens for me!!! we got up and decided to head home early. so we packed the car and the kids and off we went. stopped off at my aunt and uncle's to drop off some pictures of my kids and to check on my cousin bre. she has been in the hospital for a month and a half trying to keep her little girL inside. when we got there i found out she was released and she was there at her mom's. it was nice getting to chat with her and check on her baby status. she is now 33 weeks and still pregnant, yeah!!! go home and tried to get caught up on work, e-mails and my blog and i was just so tired. so this is why i am writing today, to play blog catch up on a littLe of this and a littLe of that, lol.

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