Thursday, October 11, 2007

one more day...

i am finally posting for today. it's been one of those days where you just wish you could go back to bed and maybe start over. i received some news today from a friend that has me questioning why? why are we given more than we can handle? we have been told we would only be given as much as we can handle. i thought about this today long and hard. wondering why some people just keep getting dished more and more and others seem to not. no, we don't know what goes on behind closed doors but, sometimes it is just more visible than others. again it got me thinking...there will be good days and bad, happy and sad and days you just don't want to get out of bed. so how do we change this? how do we continue to go on? who helps us through these times? family, friends, God, all of them? i know that we are sent here to be tried and tested but, seriously when is enough, enough? today was one of those days for me that i find one of my hardest. one that makes me feel is the test worth it, am i worth it? what got me through it? taking a little time for me and chatting with some great friends. truly realizing that there is someone out there worse off than me and to stop feeling sorry for myself. no, i did not make my own happiness today. will it be better tomorrow? i hope so. so i said a little prayer for me, my friend and a friend of a friend to give us strength. to give us strength for one more day. i hope being in "sync" with myself and my thoughts will give us all strength. to live one more day. *hugs* connie


Bradley said...

Wonderful, amazing words. I have it on good authority that the prayers worked. Thank you.

dianna said...

As my Mom always says, "That's why it's called FAITH." So hard sometimes...we muddle through, not always with a smile on our face or a song in our hearts...but we do. Wasn't it Mother Teresa that said, "God won't give me more than I can handle...I just wish He didn't trust me so much!"

Put this song in your head for tomorrow (it always seems to carry me along):
*I can see clearly now the rain has gone...*

I always love your words :)