Wednesday, October 17, 2007

headache is still lingering...

anyone know how to get rid of it for me? just got home from my oldest son's choir concert. it was amaZing!!! they had 4 different choirs (mixed, women's, honor and madrigals) and they were all awEsomE. the last one was acappella to an all time by toto. yes, i now had to add it to my play list because it put me in a good mood. again muSic... touching the soul. my night is ending on a grEat note. i truly believe any music...whatever your choice... sings too you.
in other news...i start a JOB tomorrow! this is not the original one i interviewed for, it's a different one. i am going to be a receptionist at re/max traditions. i haven't been in the true work force, working for someone for over 14-15 years. it will be a little strange getting up early, as i am sooo not a morning person. the nice part i can work around my children and i will be home when they are! so i need to turn in early so i can be up oh so bright and early for work. *night*


Bradley said...

Congrats on the job!!!! Working is overrated but you are going to love it. Like the words on music!!! I, myself, talk a lot about it's power. It's pretty great stuff. LOVE THAT SONG!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Connie, hope you have a great day at your new job! See you at the fundraiser event tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that last one was from me, I didn't sign it...

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the new job! It's always interesting the first week or so but then all the newness settles and you'll feel comfortable. You'll do awesome!

wendylu said...

hey u. i think you are gonna feel alot better being having the job to relieve other stress. good luck!!!

wendylu said...

sorry the first comment wasnt supposed to have the word being lol!!

dianna said...

Hope you ae feeling better and that your first day was great*!*

btw...thank you :)

{connie} said...

thaNk yoU all for your wonderful wishes on my first day. it was good! not to bad for being out of the work force for so long, lol ;0)