Sunday, October 7, 2007


as i have been visiting all of the participants blogs this weekend i found angela moore. can i just say she has made mY day today. she posted this yesterday..."take a moment to watch, listen and reflect. Your heart will be stirred and you will be blessed. It's only 4 minutes of your day....your to do list will be waiting when you're finished...just take a moment for might even change your priorities and what fills your to do list. Be Blessed!" (hope she won't mind i quoted her) this is where she sent you. so i took those 4 minutes and i am now filled with all sorts of emotions. it is so good. you need to take the 4 minutes and 42 seconds and be blessed todaY and everyday of your liFe! i just want to thank angela for shaRing this. i needed this and how wondeRfuL that i found this todaY. my blog has been such a gReat challenge for me. i am proud to say tomorrow will be {21} days for me starting this additional challenge and posting EVERYDAY! i have been so inspired with this challenge of rhonna's. she has truly touched all of ouR livEs. we are all blessed just by knowing her. she has helped all of us change our lives in one way or another through these {21} days. thaNk yOu from the bottom of mY heart rhonna. thank you angela for your thoughts yesterday. for the beautiful song and those wonderful words they sang that hit home. how i live IS up to me and i choose to livE it {haPpY}!! have a wondeRfuL sunday. i am going to continue my challenge i made for myself to visit all the participant's blogs. *hugs* connie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for visiting my blog...I'm so glad that you were blessed by the Point of Grace music video. My friend had it on her husband's carring bridge site. He is quickly losing his battle with cancer. I have not kept up very well with the 21 day challenge, but i've printed them all out, so they will be completed...hopefully before Thanksgiving :) Have a blessed day...and come say hello again! Blessings, Angela Moore