Tuesday, November 13, 2007

oops, it didn't happen...

hey mom and dad...i know you have been dying to see your 3 oldest wrestle so here you go. it takes quite a bit to upload the video so i think i will only post a couple. i was so excited to see such an improvement in him within two weeks. it was a site to see... though very smelly and hot, lol. eNjoY!!! i am still not feeling so well so i am heading to bed early. night

ps. it took way to long to try and upload the first video so i decided against it. i will try and e-mail them to you. sorry to get your hopes up. love and miss you. *hugs*

1 comment:

suellen said...

My sweet and precious Connie,
As the title of your blog says, THE REST IS STILL UNWRITTEN.
You, my dear child, still have so much more to write and sing about... be that in words, song, video, poetry, dance, motherhood, scrapbooking, daughtering (my own new word) and your day-to-day gifts you share with others in so many ways. So sing my little song bird, sing... SING for the whole world to hear. Never stop; for the words you sing and share with others are the greatest gifts you give at this time in your life. Keep your beautiful smile on that pretty little face. Put one foot in front of the other and take life one day and sometimes even one moment at a time.
I love you, baby! Mom
P.S. I am eager to see the video.