Thursday, November 1, 2007

weLcomE novEmbeR?

i can't believe it is november! where has the year gone? first of all, i am trying to not feel like a failure. why? i have not blogged everyday like i wanted too (i said try not, you guys). you know who you are when i say that. i won't mention any names. i can just hear it in your voices now as you read this and the uhhhh sound you just made. i didn't realize what a difference my life would be like having a job outside of the home. i love my job, i do. it's just makes getting everything accomplished that needs to get accomplished each day harder. second, i can't believe how many orders i have done for my scrapbook stores. october is usually a slow month but, overall my stores have kept me really busy. last night i was trying to finish orders up before midnight for a special that one of our companies was doing. so i stayed up waaaaayyyyy to late to get them all done. why am i blogging so early? i woke up before my 6:30 alarm FREAKING out! i though i forgot to send in the order that needed to be in by midninght. so i grabbed my phone (which is my alarm) and came straight out to the family room, turned both computers on to see if i did what i needed to or if i was dreaming. wouldn't you know it my laptop is giving me tRoubLe! i need to see if that order is placed! why is it doing this to me? doesn't it now i am already freaKing out. so i sit here and try to type this blog on my desktop waiting for my laptop to think. why must they do this to us? they must have a brain to know when a time is so important to us to NOT WORK! anywho i will get off of my tangent now. november...WOW! i just received an e-mail from a good friend oh so kindly reminding me that christmas is only 55 days away. thanks lhindah, no stress, right...NOT! just another reminder picture is taken for our christmas cards, no christmas letter is written, no christmas cards are done, no shopping for christmas has even been started, my oldest will be 17 this month YIKES, my second son can get his driver's permit YIKES times 2, thanksgiving is around the corner, all the birthdays yet to come this month and next, taking down halloween decorations to put up thanksgiving ones then christmas ones and the list goes on. so THANKS lhindah, really THANKS for STRESSING ME OUT!!!!! breathe....ok in and out, in through the nose, out through the mouth. JANNA, how come it's not working? maybe i need to listen to mY breathe music as i finish this up?! awe.....better. well my laptop still won't do what i need it to do. i will have to call later to my work company to see if they got the order. i need to get in shower and get ready for the day. i will have to call this good for now. welcomE novEmbeR...


Bradley said...

Wow!!!! Busy morning!!!! Hope you got everything done!!! I think you have been doing great on your blogs! Don't beat yourself up!!!!!

Anonymous said...

B R E A T H.....

have a great day! Janna