Tuesday, November 6, 2007

a blessed ER visit...

many of you know (and some don't) that we spent yesterday afternoon and into the late evening in the er with our 2nd oldest. trevor was riding his bike home from school and was hit by a car going 25 mph just around the corner from our home. let me tell you that when i received the call from my husband at work i about lost it. he received a call from the neighbor who witnessed it and they called him. he then called me and i flew out of work like you wouldn't believe. i was filling in for a co-worker who just had a biopsied done. so as we both were driving trevor's route to come home we were a mess. galen got there before i did. we both were warned by the police officer and ambulance to slow down. we both said "that's our son". when i got there the police and ambulance were there with a lot of on-lookers. trevor was a mess. i was a mess. i was trying to keep myself together for him. i gently hugged him and told him i loved him. this is the most scariest feeling i have ever felt. the thought of possibly loosing a child. i was then listening to everyone trying to find out the story of what happened. lets just say everything is still kinda a blur. i think i am still trying to recover. we refused the ambulance but they phoned the er and they were waiting for us. before we could leave trevor begged me to go tell the driver (she attends his high school) he was ok. my son...thinking of others before himself. he is sooo known for this. so off to the er we headed but, not before trevor was given a blessing. we also had to get all of the other kids squared away. when we got to the er they were waiting for us and took this very seriously. they treated him as a trauma patient and got him on a board, neck collar and strapped him in. trevor was so good. i guess he was crying at the scene but, i wasn't there yet. then he didn't cry again until they cut his clothes off. he did choke up quit a bit when he thought about this weekend. his high school marching band made state. trevor plays the trumpet. it has been over 17+ years and they have all worked so hard to get to state. he said "i'm going". we said "doesn't look good trev". after he thought about it he said "maybe just to go and watch and support". all i could say is "we'll see". the er doc comes in and does all the major checking of him and asked if he was wearing a helmet. of course he wasn't. he said "you will from now on, right"? lets just say trevor had his guardian angels with him. i think his namesake and great-grandparents were with him. he was truly watched over and blessed! after many long hours in the er trevor was released from the hospital with lots of bumps and bruises, a broken tooth a messed up face and 6-10 stitches in his chin. he did cry when they did this. (for those of you who get queasy you may not want to read this next part) first they numbed him and came in 3 times to scrub out the pavement from his face. then the doc came in to stitch him up and was using a scalpel to still get gravel out. he was digging in his chin back and forth (ya, i was not looking). he then had to cut away some more skin and continued to dig into his chin to try and place the insides back together. he was able to now stitch him up the best he could. he stated it will be his hollywood scar. we heard many stories of this same incident while at the hospital from docs, nurses and firefighters that did not have good endings. trevor on the other hand... blessed and lucky. i have always called him my miracle baby since birth...he still is! we are going to the dentist today. his face and mouth is pretty messed up. this looks like where he took the brunt of the accident. i will post later. he is pretty doped up and resting so i think i am gonna try and get some stuff done. thanks for all your prayers and calls. we know that they were heard. we are truly grateful! we know that this could have been very tragic. this er visit...we were truly blessed.

ps. so much more happened but, you get the important part of it...he is alive and safe! no head trauma, broken bones or internal damage as of now. to many details to write about, not enough time.


Anonymous said...

Oh My Connie, so glad he is going to be OK. So So Scarey!!

Anonymous said...

Wow Connie, what a scary incident! Glad to hear Trevor is doing well, such a strong boy!! Give him lots of hugs and kisses!!

Bradley said...

Please let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do.... I realize that I am hundreds of miles away but I have many contacts in many places..... Hope everyone else is okay.

Jean Harper said...

I was so worried when I got your text last night.. I'm so happy that all is well. I know that he will be sore for several days, but he is still here, to bless your family for a long time. Love and hugs to your family.

dianna said...

Thinking of you all~said a thank you prayer too.

Try to breathe...


Chad Bennett said...

Thanks for writing this up for everyone and keeping us updated. We are all glad to hear that he is doing well. We love you Trevor!

Anonymous said...

So glad he is ok! It's weird how things like that happen. You're going about with your busy life and ka pow! Sorry to hear about his band thing, hope he doesn't miss it. What a blessing. So relieved to hear he is ok. TAke care! All our love,
Rhonda and family...
ps Alec was concerned about hayley, worried she would be really upset. Thought that was sweet.

Tammy said...

MAN! What an event! I was shocked when your mom called, and I am so glad that he is alright! Definitely a blessed day for your family and we hope that he will recover quickly. He will love his scar later. Too bad about band though! Maybe next year. We love you guys!