Sunday, November 11, 2007

i'm still aLive...

it's been awhile since i have blogged. lots going on here. i was looking at my counter and was gonna do a big RAK when it hit 1957. HOLY COW!! when i last looked it was in the 1800 now it is past my number. i guess i had some lurkers wondering where i have been. i know i have been gone but, i didn't think anyone really looked at my blog that much. i think maybe i will have to just choose another number or just do a drawing with comments. not sure but when i figure it out i will be sure to let you know. anyways...i just wanted to write a few lines and let everyone know that trevor is doing remarkable! i am truly touched by all the kindness we have been shown by our family and friends. we are truly blessed. thank you from the bottom of my heart!! i also wanted to let you all know that i am still alive. i have been very busy these last 4 days. i hope to try and catch up tomorrow. for now i must turn in for i am berry seepy (yes i said seepy not sleepy and berry not very). thanks again for thinking of me and my family through all of this. i am honored to be blessed with family and friends who love me. night *hugs* connie

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Connie, I really hope Trevor is continuing to do well. Sue said that he went to the band comp. and supported. I am sure he still had a good time even though he didn't get to march. We are thinking about him and saying thanks in our prayers for his safety. I really did plan on sending a note or something, is crazy. I will, promise. Send our love to your kids!