Tuesday, November 27, 2007

haPpY 17th babY...

wow! i can't believe that 17 years ago today at 5:46 a.m. i gave birth to mY babY (my oldest). i have so many wonderfuL memories of him and with him. he is such a blessiNg in mY life. he has touched mY life and it will never be the same. if you know austin or haven't had the chance to meet him or know him you are gReatly missing out. this young man will touch YOUR life and it will too never be the same. many of you out there know that austin is very special in so many ways. you may have seen the post i did awhile back on him and his dad. if not... i will briefly tell you. he is totally blind from birth, autistic and mentally challenged. he is... tall and handsome. his voice... is like angels singing. his smile...will lighten any dark room. his arms... so comforting and touching. his "i love you" will pierce your heart forever! this is mY young man, this is mY friend, this is mY angel, he will always be...mY baby! i love you austin!!! this is a song we would sing together before he would go to bed a night. we just sang it last sundaY. wow! he still remembered.

may the road rise to meet you
may the wind blow at your back
may the sun shine warmly on your face
may the rain fall softly on your fields
and until we meet again
until we meet again
may God hold you in the palm of his hand

as you eNjoy this little video clip listen to the words of this song. i am truly honored to be this young man's mom!! i learn something new everyday from him and i am truly blessed.


Anonymous said...

Oh my heck, I cannot believe he is 17 already! I loved watching the slide show, I definitely remember a lot of those younger days. Very fun! Happy Birthday Austin!

dianna said...

I'm still dabbing tears...
I've never met you Austin, but it's plain to see what a blessing you are to your family and how lucky you are to have them too.
Happy Birthday*!*

Anonymous said...

myfabfive3ewow--they do grow up fast. I also don't have the pleasure of knowing Austin but i also was wiping tears--what a neat spirit your family is blessed with--by the way i love the hair in the blessing picture--i had a "do" just like it at that time---maybe thats why i was crying

Leigh ann

suellen said...

WOW ... I could hardly read the words, listen to the music and get through the video clip as my tears were running down my face so fast. What an awesome bithday page!

The words of the song say it best, Austin... you'll be in my heart and in the heart of the lives of the many people you have touched now and forever more. This precious, sweet little boy, who has all too quickly grown into a young man has taught us more than we will ever teach him. So many don't understand, this is all too true. The bond is strong and grows stronger every day of every year we know him. Now and forever more, you will be in our hearts. The words of the song tell it all so well.

Thanks for sharing these precious glimpses from Austin's life with us. Love ya, love ya! Austin. Happy Birthday wishes from Oma & Opa.

wendylu said...

I could not hear the music, but i was crying just from the pictures. Those were the best pictures. I'm just glad I get to be in his life. Happy Birthday Austin! We love you tons.
Love the Capron Family....

Tammy said...

I love those super cute pictures. They are so fun! Happy Birthday! Wow, 17!