Saturday, November 17, 2007

faLL fuN...

haven't even started on the scrap room. i know, i know you all wanting to know who the winner will be. i promise i will get to it. trevor came in and told me he had tied a rope to our tree and sis was plaYing on it. i had to stop and get mY camera...for i knew i would want to capture this moment.

so as haleigh climbed the tree was she ever fuN to capture. here are some gReat shots i got of her. i have to reMembEr to capture these day to day moments. as one of my quotes i love so dearly states...enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things~robert brault i don't ever want to miss out on a moment. take a picture of your kids today doing whatever they are doing, unposed. eNjoY your moment and never forget that one day they will be all grown up. you can't ever go back unless you capture that moment in time. these pictures for mE... pRiceLess!!!


suellen said...

Yep! Those picture times and special moments pass so quickly - trust me.... I know! Another way to say it: "Dust and cob webs go to sleep, (and scrapbook rooms)cuz I'm rocking my baby (and playing with my kids and taking their photos) and babies (and kiddos) don't keep." What great progress you're making on the room. It's looking great! Hey, the scrapbook table is absolutely a beaut. It really makes your room POP. (tee hee). Love ya, baby!

suellen said...

I came across something in an e-mail you sent recently and here's right back at ya - Just for today and everyday, Connie, "I wish you enough!
I love you, baby.

Christine said...

I Love the pictures! But I was wondering what are those pretty piles of things on the ground ... oh wait is that what Fall is and those must be leaves on the ground! They are so pretty ... we don't have those here!!!

Tammy said...

I love it, Love those pictures. Haleigh is such a doll! I totally agree with take pictures, take pictures, take pictures. I feel like I have been going nuts with pics lately, but I now feel validated because they are only small ONCE! I agree with your mom, you gotta remember the important stuff before you worry about all the not so important stuff. Your kids are what counts and THAT will be what you remember or regret when the time comes! I got a wake up call on that today too. Dr. Laura can tell it to you straight!

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed!!!you made some awsome progress and i am glad that you quit to go and take pictures of your kids--i to am realizing how quickly mine are growing up and when they leave the won't remember that you had a clean scrapbook room but they will remember the time you spent with them--time spent wisely