Thursday, November 15, 2007

cLeaNing ouT RAK...

k, you all know what a RAK is, right? if not, it stands for random act of kindness. so tomorrow i am gonna clean out! i have 10+ boxes of nEw product that i have not even touched. it's time that i clean out the old and put in the new. with this being said i am going to give away some of my scrapbook supplies as my RAK. most of you know that i am a scrapbook sales rep for about 25 different companies. when new product is released we as reps receive it. i then show it to all of my stores and after that i put it in a box for goodies and give-a-ways for a store event. i have WAY too much. so this is how it is gonna work...for those who feel like posting a comment i will put your name in a hat. i will draw out one lucky winner who will win a box of scrapbook goodies. what perfect timing huh. you may choose to keep it for yourself, share with a friend or give it as a christmas present for someone. i am not sure what it will entitle yet as i have not started cleaning out. maybe tomorrow as i am cleaning i will stop and photo the goodies and post it. who knows i might have more than one RAK once i dig in. all you gotta do is leave me a comment. i will allow all to participate, that means you family members. so spread the word or not and leave me a comment of any sort. bribing me with a wonderfuL comment will not help your odds of winning, lol.


Anonymous said...

YAY! Im the first to comment...that should mean i win! haha just kidding :0) i hope everythings goin well with the family! hopefully we can chat again here soon! love ya!!

<3 your future sis :0)

Anonymous said...

What a Great way to start the Holiday Season

suellen said...

Now that's my girl! RAK! Our Connie's back.... Rainy days are gone, blue skies are here. The sun is shining and so are you! You go girl! You asked me if I knew RAK, well, hopefully I modeled it a time or two, just didn't give it that acronymn. Besides, I thought we talked about me getting first dibs on some of that stuff... tee hee. OK, maybe, I can be second.... or third... don't forget, I am your Mom... Boy, ya mention giving something for free and everyone comes out of the woodwork -- even the MOMS... (But really don't give anything away until I come home at Thanksgiving time - I know you have some really good stuff!) GOT YA! Made ya smile!

Anonymous said...

Ohh ohhh pick me pick me!!! Can I post more than once??? This is so fun!!

Anonymous said...

OH an don't forget . . . I babysat your children for YEARS!!! :o)

wendylu said...

Man people are getting crazy. LOL! well tell ur mom i will fight her for it lol. j/k this is good that you are doing this. I know this is going to make you feel awsome! well i know i will see you soon. love ya tons. ur sis wendylu

Christine said...

Hey Connie! I am so glad to see Trevor is doing well. That was so super scary. I love your digital pages, I really need to get into that one of these days. I miss ya! Hope you are having a great week!

Tammy said...

ok, that would be awesome! not only do you have the coolest stuff, but it would be free?? what could be better?! I am psyched, pick me! Then you could skip christmas presents for our fam, right? you only need to please the mom anyway! oh and I am up for a fight if it comes to rounds. I am cleaning up my scrapbook desk tomorrow, so I can fit a lot more stuff now! Good luck clearing out stuff. I feel your pain. everytime we go to a garage or closet we have to trash, trash, trash. Chad is a packrat!

Misty said...

Ok, So I am a little late in the game...But you should TOTALLY pick me. I've know you for years....Rmember you borrowed the camcorder to record the birth of your child? Then I had Brandon not too long after...Hope all is going well...i'm sure I'LL win..i'll just have to figure out how to get it to Tucson....

dianna said...

How crazy...oim posting this from hiubbys blackberry. Tons of goof ups I'm sure...I can't see what I'm typing! Forgot to post on this entry and didn't want to miss out..