Monday, April 25, 2011

happy birthday trevor!!

today my second oldest turned 19.  YIKES...19!!  oh where, oh where have all those years gone?  this young man brings so much joy into my life.  he is one talented kid, excuse me...young adult.  i am truly blessed to be his mom.

one of the things we do for birthdays is allow the birthday person to choose where they would like to have dinner.  now we all know that if we go to eva's {our mexican food restaurant} that eva will come out with your fried ice cream and some extra whipping cream in her hand.  i don't know why, other than the good food, that we all decide to go here for our birthdays.  she gotcha...

happy birthday trevor kempe hastings!  you fill my life with so much LOVE!!  thanks for picking me and allowing me the blessings of being your mom.
i love you!!

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