Thursday, February 10, 2011

a little daily truth from the brave girl club!!

i thought i would share with you the daily truth from the brave girl club today.

Dear Beautiful Girl,

Whatever grows in your life is what has been planted there, what has been nurtured, fed and given time and attention.

What is growing there? What is it that has been planted in your one beautiful, precious life? Have you carefully planned the rows
of fruits, vegetables and flowers? Or are things growing there that blew in with the wind? Are weeds taking over?

It is never too late to "weed" your garden, and now is the perfect time to pull out the dead things, the unwanted things,
the overgrown things, and make room for the new growth that you are so badly yearning for.

Take a moment today to see what is truly growing in your life, and whether or not there is room for the things that you most
want to see the fruits of.

Be brave enough to pull out the unwanted things and get your life ready to lay the seeds of your wildest dreams.


this hit my {heart} and i hope it touches yours too. you may sign up for brave girl's daily truths to enter your inbox every monday- friday too. just click {here} and sign up today. come on, be BRAVE!! i know i am.



Mikal said...

I love all your recent posts Connie! Hearts, Love, even the moments of worry and pain.. you are the real deal, and a true angel on earth. So glad I met you!

Take some time this weekend to relax and rejuvenate! You've been working so hard, You deserve it!!

{connie} said...

thank you for the wonderful, heartfelt comment mikal!! you are so amaZing and i am so blessed to have you in my life.

i would love to relax this weekend. only thing is...gotta drive my 3rd oldest to new mexico for a club soccer tournament. i guess i have a weekend off of no painting but stress free, not to sure.

love, love, love you mikal.