Tuesday, March 11, 2008

i love you mommY...

so it is tuesday...as mY mom will always ask me when she calls {which she didn't todaY} "what is the best part of your daY today?" so my answer today is...talking to her! she was so positive today. she had accomplished a great deal and we both shed a tear. i don't know if i tell her enough how much i love her. {i love you mommY~wink, wink} so my quote today is for her...

"she was kind, loving and patient...with herself.
celebrate her tenderness

i am so extremely proud and honored to call her my mom. i can not wait to see her and spend some much needed time together next week. mY life is because of her, the present...her and mY future looks so bright all because she gave me liFe! *hugs*


suellen said...

Thank you so much, baby for such sweet words that brought me to tears. I am touched and humbled. I came across the following to share. I can't give credit because I found this in my scriptures on a peace of paper I had written but it is my inspiration for the day to share with you and others. I love beginning each day in prayer and having an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. I truly love this one to remind me ...
"A woman had only 3 hairs on her head when she woke up one morning and said, 'I think I'll put my hair in a braid.' And decided to go out into the world and make it a good day. The next morning when she got up, she only had two hairs so she said, 'I think today I'm going to part my hair in the middle.' It wasn't long until when she got up she only had one hair left so she said, 'I guess today I'll wear my hair in a pony tail!' And decided to go out into the world and make it a good day. Soon, she would wake up and find she had no hair left, so she thought that bald is beautiful and decided that she would go out and make it a good day. I added some words of my own to this story but its inspiration remains none the less. What I take from all of this is that, each day it is always about choices. I must personally choose each day to make it a good day. Yep, some days it sure is a lot harder than others, but we must each celebrate our victories, big and small, when we reach them, and keep pushing forward. When I get stuck in a place I need help, I must reach out my hand and ask for help, as difficult as that may be, I MUST ask for it, in whatever form "I" decide. We sure know there are a lot of forces that keep pushing us back. That's the thing called LIFE. But we have friends, family and a lot of good things around us to support us and lean on. How truly grateful I am to have a B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L (in many aspects) daughter and friend I can lean on and celebrate my victories (and opportunities for growth)with each and everyday. Thank you for being you. And see you soon. I am so looking forward to spending time with you. I love you, baby!

Bradley said...

Wow.... I find myself fighting back tears as I read the words both of you have written.... It never ceases to amaze me how true the expression "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree" applies to the two of you. I only hope that I may inspire my daughter to greatness as you have done, Suellen, and that Vivian will write beautiful words about me like you have written, Connie. Thank you both. Very much. Oh yeah, I hope Vivian uses a different title when writing about me.... That could be awkward.....