Tuesday, February 26, 2008

i found a little piece of me...

today was one of those laZy days. it didn't help that i still had austin home sick. one of those days that you just really don't want to do anything. so as austin stayed in his bed i stayed in mine. i didn't want to be that far away from him in case he needed me. he didn't want to go on the couch, he wanted his own bed. can you blame him? who wouldn't want their own bed when they aren't feeling good? being in bed all day isn't good for me. for me...this is a downfall of mine. i don't do well not doing anything. it makes me feel helpless and useless. i don't get anything accomplished and i just feel down right yucky. i suffer from depression. wow, i can't believe i just shared that with all of you. though as i try and figure out who i am, this is a part of me that i try and overcome on a daily bases. i have learned to be aware of what gets me to my low points. i have through many years found how to work with it and not allow myself to become depressed, medication free. so on days like these, i struggle. i am learning to accept that depression is a disease and that it is ok to admit it. it's hard, really hard! not something i am proud of but, it is a part of me. a part that i am trying to understand and learn to deal with. why you may be asking am i sharing this? honestly, i don't know. maybe it is to reach out for help or to allow myself to help. i guess i am learning life lessons and part of being honest with myself is confronting my fears and sharing myself with others. the rEaL mE! as i go to work tomorrow, i think what a blessing. it will make me get up and shower for the day, get in touch with the real world, be a good mom to my kids and a friend. these are things i value. these are things that are important to me. what defines me as a person. things i want to become better at and love more deeply. i hope that through my journey of writing my story of mY life...i can get rEaL, be honest and discover all the things that i am in search for. whether they be good or bad. i am human, i make mistakes, i cry, i laugh, i love but most of all...i just want to "be." i want to "be" mE! discovery...there i will find joY. *night*

wanted to post this quote from joan anderson's book i am reading...
"lifelines for change, i call them. take action. have an adventure. face your fear. seize the moment. tolerate isolation. reach beyond your grasp."


wendylu said...

I love this one.... I think it is great that you can talk about it. you know i love you. :0) I am glad to be here as you find urself. love ya tons... ur sis

mom of fab five said...

Thanks for sharing such personal feelings--that's not easy. You are not alone in your battles--and good for you to recognize your demons and try to deal with them. You are such an awesome person--if we only truly could see ourselves as our heavenly father sees us instead of the way satan wants us to view ourselves--if he can fill us with self doubt he starts to win.I too have had issues with this very thing at times in my life--and it is amazing how (like you) i can step back and see where i am going and try to alter the sitution--not an easy task but worth the challenge. Keep smiling

suellen said...

Connie,I want you to know you are an amazing person! You are sharing a piece of you that many of us perhaps can relate to that are hidden within ourselves. Many of us struggle with some of these issues on a daily basis. Yet you so courageously chose to put one foot in front of the other and get out of bed to take care of your children and go to work. You keep on fighting and you don't give up. You have such amazing strength, Connie. You choose not to give up but to keep fighting this battle and not to let it get the best of you. I have seen you keep fighting and fighting and fighting. I am so very proud of you. You now are talking about it and sharing it with others and giving it a name and maybe giving others courage to talk about it too. You are a woman of GREAT courage who can stand tall in the face of adversity. You can do anything and will never, ever give up. You go, girl! I love you, baby!

McCleve Family said...

Connie you are so wonderful!!! Thank you for sharing! I always love to read your blog! Congrats on the new job!!!! I am glad your talent is going to be put to good use!