Monday, February 18, 2008

M.I.A, who mE?

i know that i have been mia. i can not begin to tell you what has been going on so, i will just fill in a little where i can. i have been away from home for the past 9 days. i headed to california to attend the craft and hobby association {cha} trade show. this was for my repping job. i was able to spend an entire week with my boss janna and co-worker kristan. this is such a good time for us. we get to see all the new product being released, see our wonderful vendor friends (who we usually only get to see twice a year) and rejuvinate ourselves as we share in each other's company. i am so glad that i was able to attend this show. i knew that galen would take care of the kiddos and that i would come home with everything and everyone in once piece. you know what, I DID!!! i can not tell you what a great feeling this is. he always does such a great job while i am away. makes me wonder if i am even missed, lol. i was blessed to drive to cali with my boss, janna. we chatted and caught up on life. you know it is so hard to be away from janna & kristan. they are two amaZing, talented, wonderful people and i am honored to call them my friends. i took some mE time as well...hit the gym and read a lot. WOW!! this was really needed. i then arrived back from cali on friday and got to spend the evening with my bestfriend, deb. we went out to eat, went to a movie and just caught up! this is what i miss so dearly...spending time with family and friends. to top my evening off...i took some more mE time to just "be!" i woke up saturday refreshed, with a nice breakfast {usually don't eat breakfast} of french toast and fresh strawberries, yum! i then visited my aunt and cousin {hope your are recovering well shannon}, picked up the last of my catalogs and headed home. i couldn't wait to see mY faMilY!! always so nice to come home...mY kiddos are mY world! i will call it a night for todaY. many *hugs* connie

1 comment:

mom of fab five said...

are you sure it was work? Sounds like fun--I would love to go to CHA sometime. You are so blessed to have a great hubby that can handle everything in your abscence--i hope you gave him a extra big hug--do you know how rare men like that are? Have a great day and glad to see your back.

Leigh ann