Thursday, December 13, 2007

a sigh of relief...

yep you read that right. many of you know that my second oldest, trevor was in a car/bicycle accident on november 5th. the officer decided to give trevor a ticket {2 weeks later}. so i was summons at my home november 27th {austin's birthday} by an officer of the court that trevor was to appear in court on wednesday, december 12th at 3:30. i get a call yesterday from the court stating the judge needs to reschedule due to and emergency. WHAT?! they wanted to reschedule for january, uh i don't think so. we want to get this over with so we can move on. we want to get it settled so we can get reimbursed for all of the medical bills, dental bills, bike, clothes and glasses. so me being pushy {not really, ok maybe a little} was able to have the court date for tOdaY! yep, today at 3:00. so we go there and realize as the judge is looking up the ticket code that it doesn't look good. fyi...if you are on a bike you are NOT considered a pedestrian, you are a motorist. we as his parents said "we think you need to hear trevor's version of what happened. trevor proceeded to tell him and guess what...CASE DISMISSED! yep you guessed it, trevor is breathing a rather large sigh of relief and so am i!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I'm so happy to hear it was dismissed. That's ridiculous that Trevor would get a ticket for it! I'm glad all turned out well.

suellen said...

Fantastic! Truth and right prevailed. Oma and Opa are so proud of you, Trevor and of your Mom for being your biggest Fan. We send our love along with our sigh of relief.

Bradley said...

Congrats for standing up to the man and winning!!!! It's not easy!! I knew y'all would get through it!!!