Tuesday, December 18, 2007

oh, i believe...

are you kidding me....christmas is one week from tOdaY!!!! i'm serious we need to go back to aPriL. i know i haven't written in awhile but, time just creeps away. i am actually writing this while i am cooking dinner and getting my daughter ready for her program tonight. can you say multi-tasking pro right now, lol. i just wanted to let you all know that i have kinda gotten into the christmas spirit. tree is up (still naked) and so are the decorations and lights. i did my christmas cards for my scrapbook stores. haven't done our personal ones yet. you know i might just do a neW yeaRs letter and card instead. just running out of time. still have loads of shopping to do but, i will get there. i wanted to share with you what has helped get me in the holiday spirit. every year since i have been married my mother started a tradition between her and i. she gives me a nativity on christmas eve. this has been a challenge for her at times as she has to reMembeR what she gave me last year and the years before. it is eXciTing for me cause i know i at least get to open one present on christmas eve. as i put all of these nativities out last week, {all 17 of them} i reflected upon the meaning...the true meaning of christmas. i reminded mYself that i need to teach mY children the true meaning. that i don't want them to think it is all about the gifts and decorations. i want them to know that it is a time for caring, sharing, giving and loving. i want them to know that whether santa can bring them what is on their wish list or not, that it is ok. i have listened to quite a few christmas songs lately as well. none struck me more than the one brad shared with me...the song...do they know it's christmas by band aid. as i listened to the woRds...i really listened. so many phrases struck me as true. i will be doing my best to teach all i come into contact with the true meaning. thank you brad for reminding me. so i think i am definitely readY now. i do beLievE, come on christmas...i am waiting. *hugs*


Bradley said...

You are so very welcome. I get chills when I hear that song. Oh yeah, and I cry like a little girl, too..... That's neither here nor there.....

suellen said...

Oh and I lelieve. I will ALWAYS believe. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. And you are so right... you will get another nativity this year. I love you, baby. See you soon.

dianna said...

Creeping along~but getting there. Glad to hear someone is already in the spirit! Ya know, I've got a Praying Santa here somewhere...I'm going to get it out!!
Thanks Connie :)

wendylu said...

I hear you about that song. ha. it does bring the tears to the eyes. I am glad you look forward to that gift from ur mother, I think it's great. I am soooo glad to finally see you in the holiday spirit. I can't wait to see you. Love you tons! :0)