Thursday, December 20, 2007


wow! todaY has been such a haPpY day. not just for me but, for mY brother and his famiLy as well. without going into manY detaiLs of it all i can just say...tis the season for guardian angeLs. i know without a doubt that in any time of need you will aLwaYs find someone out there worse off than you. that at many times we often forget to count our blessings. they don't need to be big items as i often think it is the little things that count and matter the most. like look at the world we live in... we have freedom. what about the air we breathe, the homes which we have over our heads, our bodies...for some are not hole. what about our hearts...they are free to love manY and yet do we fully use it well. i know that at christmas time for me... i love to give way more than i like to receive. it's the light in that child's eye that puts and amaZing waRm feeling in mY heart. knowing i could share with a stranger that has nothing. a famiLy member or friend that is in need. for me...this is the tRue spirit of christmas. i am not rich by any means. though i am trulY rich in blessings. i will aLwaYs remember what mY aunt told me when i was a young mom with 2 kids and one on the waY. she said to me "connie, please let us give. by not allowing us to do so you are denYing us blessings. one of these daYs it will be your turn to give." ever since then i have reminded mYself NOT to deny others if they are able to help in a time of need. i also remember that it is a blessing to give. this holiday season i may not be able to give a lot of material items. though the one thing i can give is mY heaRt...mY loVe. so to all of you out in blog land... i wish you all a safe and happy holiday season. maY 2008 be one that will be good for us all. look around you and do have it good, cause someone out there underneath this same big sky has it worse. *hugs*


wendylu said...

ok you just had to make me cry AGAIN ha. LOVE IT!!! I am so blessed to have you in my life and I a can't wait to see you. love ya tons! ;0)

suellen said...

We know how blessed we have always been since you were little during the Christmas season. Your heart has and always will be so tender. 'Tis the season for miracles. I will ALWAYS believe!
I love you, baby.

Tammy said...

That is so true! I just read a "patchwork Christmas" don't remember who by. It is about a family with a mom and a dad and two little girls. The dad loses his job and for two years can't find a job. Eventually he leaves from spousal trouble, but mostly to find a job thinking his family will be fine while he is gone. They get evicted and are living on the streets. It just really put things in perspective because even though they were so low already, they looked at all the other people in the shelter and realized that it can always get worse! I just hope to always remember that. We are all truly blessed and anything is possible with the Lord!

dianna said...

Slowly, slowly, the Cristmas spirit is a comin'...thanks for the help~I'll get there yet!
Words like this are great eye openers...soul openers in fact!