Wednesday, September 26, 2007

woNdeRfuL wEdnesDaY and thaNk YOU...

wednesday, wonderful wednesday!!! i just got back from lunch with two of my very favorite friends jo ann & rhonda. at my very favorite resturant {like we have very many here, lol}. i just lovE mexican food. i could eat it everyday! what a wonderful treat it was. only wish... more time together. again, never enough time. so i asked them to take a picture with me. 1. i never have me in pictures 2. i don't have my friends and i together in hardly any pictures 3. i wanted to post it here. problem... someone does not like their pictures taken and two she would never let me post it. so i am obeying her wishes {until i talk her into letting me} and not posting the most awEsomE picture ever taken by a four year old!! rhonda's son was with us for lunch and he is the one who took our picture. can i just tell you he did an amaZing job!!!! if only i could show you {hint, hint}. i am so excited!!! i get to sit down tonight and do some scRapbooKing!!! i am gonna do some work on my art journal. i am sooo not caught up on it. i have been accomplishing my {21} day challenge but, my art journal has gotten shafted. i am hoping to get caught up but, we will have to see how it goes. i will try and post some pics later if i can. i have been thinking again. i know, i do do it every so often. i have gained so much from this {21} day challenge. i have meet some wonderful ladies also involved in the challenge, been a happier person... mom, wife and friend. i have been uplifted to a place where i have decided i don't want to come down from. along this journey i am discovering mE. i am finding out things about me that i like, don't like and things i need to change. i am finding the rEaL connie. the connie that has been hiding out for so long. i want to continue to bring her out. i want others to know mE. i want my friends to know mE. the rEaL mE!!!! i am full of lovE today. i have had many tell me how touched they are by my blog. let me just tell you that was not my intention at all. though the thought and sound of it has made me feel truly honored, truly blessed! i did not expect to have so many comments and so many people viewing this blog of mine. for me it was just a way to find mE again. a place to share my journey with family and friends. if you have been taking this journey with me, i hope you have found something inspiring in here. i hope you are discovering YOU!!! i hope you are reading my words and taking it to heart. i hope you are sharing your joy and happiness with others as i feel i have been doing. i wish you much happiness in your everydaY!! may you know that with the rest still unwritten... i have gained more than you will ever know. thaNk yOu for taking the time to lurk here. thaNks for being mY friend!!! have a great evening! *hugs* connie


Bradley said...

Good times. Seriously. Good times. You know you have inspired me.

Bradley said...

Great new song on the ol' playlist, there.

wendylu said...

wow im so glad ur so happy. i want you to find the person u want to be and be happy with it. you shouldnt have to come down from where u are. you should be this happy every day. im glad you have good friends to keep you on the right track to happiness and i hope it continues for u. cant wait to see your next blog i hope it makes me as happy as this one. luv ya!

Rhonna said...

oh, are just so inspiring!!!! LOVE reading your writings from your are so wonderful!
Keep up the fab work...LOVE ya!