Sunday, September 23, 2007

will you live like you were dying?...

today is my dad's birthday. haPpY biRthDaY DAD!! see we have only reconnected 2 1/2 years ago after 27+ years apart. i grew up with my mom being my mom & dad for so long until she remarried when i was 12. can i just tell you that for those of you out there searching for that loved one, your family or friend keep on trying. i wasn't sure if i wanted to reconnect with my dad. it had been sooo long and i had the thought in my mind that i was truly better off with out him, NOT!! by giving up all the hurt and anger inside i found a little part of my heart that had been buried for so long. when i allowed him in, my heart was finally complete after all these years! i gained so much more... 2 brothers {leo jr & tony}, a step mom {cindy}, a niece {kylie} and nephew {austin}, soon to be a sister in law {amanda} and many aunts, uncles and cousins {to many to name}. WOW!! how could i not want more people to bless and touch my life. i am truly blessed! i know i keep saying it, but it's true. i sit down to write and read over what i have written and it is clearly stated time and time again that i am. why would i want to let myself be unhappy? why would i not want to get up every morning and live each day to the fullest? why would i not want to make new friends and reconnect with old ones? why would i not want to tell my husband and kids i love them everyday? why would i not want to live my life as it were my last? as tim mcgraw sings so clearly... live like you were dying. what do you want to do that you have not? what do you want to change? what is something you keep putting off? saying to yourself tomorrow, another day or when i have some extra money... that never comes? is it sky diving, bull riding, getting a tattoo, doing a marathon, writing a book, apply for the amazing race or just waking up every day ~ ALIVE? what are YOU waiting for? why not start today and JUST DO IT!! i know i will be making my list today of things i want to do or accomplish in my lifetime. i know it's gonna be gReaT when i get to start crossing some of them off. take a few minutes and start your list today. keep adding to it and then feel complete when you can cross off what you have always wanted to accomplish. go for it!! what will it hurt? look at what you WILL gain! *hugs*


Bradley said...

Amazing. I have nothing else to say. Amazing. Thank you.

scrapmumof6 said...

Very thought provoking, Connie. Has certainly made me think. Thanks for your encouraging comment on my blog, I really appreciate you taking the time to do so. :)