Wednesday, September 19, 2007

{21} day challenge and i'm haPpY being mE...

so how did you do? did you have a haPpY day? i know i did!! i went to my mom's for a facial and luncheon and my day made a full circle. she talked about inner beauty not just the outer beauty. she is right you know {aren't they always}. we might think our outer beauty is what counts but, it is truly our inner beauty that shines. this is hard for me, it really is. i have struggled with this since i was a little girl, right mom? now that i am in my 30's i thought it might be time to make some changes in my life. if you have noticed i have a woNdErfuL song on here. i am amaZed and inspired by the words she sings so effortlessly. i remember when i use to sing. makes me want to start again. does singing in the shower or in the car count? so many of you know i attended creative escape a couple of weekends ago. let me just tell ya i had a really hard time wanting to be there. i know, i know what you are mood however did change. on thursday evening when all the ladies {and a few gentlemen} arrived i started to get excited. i was in awe at the site of all their excitement. so friday comes and i chose to stay with a teacher all day instead of a group. my amaZingly, talenTed and iNspiRing teacher was mrs. rhonna farrer. her class was very intense though truly inspirational. love ya rhonna. her class was making a journal. not just any journal but, a {21} day challenge art journal. they say that if you do something for 21 days it becomes a habit. she has challenged us to 21 days. i actually got a jump start and started on september 11th. for me this was mY wake up call!! especially on this day. the day that we all remember so clearly like it was yesterday, i started my {21} day challenge. i have many that i am working on. i chose many cause i know myself too well that one, two or even three of them would slip and i would fall off that bandwagon. the one that i have continued with is this...writing. i haven't finished my journal yet. maybe that should be another challenge {21 days to complete my {21} day journal, lol}. rhonna has a special place on her site for us. a place of encouragement, a place where she will give us a quote or a phrase to lift our spirits and keep pushing ourselves to go that extra mile. thanks many, you are our life savers. so to finish this long entry today, another challenge. start small. find something you can do to improve your life, your well being, your family, your kid{s}, your relationships with others, yOuRselF!!! i know i am doing it and it shows. i spoke with my girlfriend jo ann today and she could tell. she is one of those friends i never want to loose. i wish i could keep her in my back pocket. she is the one that kicks my butt when i am negative, when i am down to the ground about myself. she is the one who believes in me and continues to show me the good in myself. thanks jo ann!! truly you inspire mE to be haPpY with ME!!

1 comment:

Rhonna said...

You are one of THE most beautiful people I've ever met...inside & out!!!! And I just LOVE to read your are so wonderful!
smooches to you!