Thursday, September 27, 2007

tErrifiC or toRturE thuRsdaY?? {mY} choice...

terrific thursday, right? me it is torture thursday. woke up this morning with only 3 1/2 hours of sleep. for me this is torture! i am the one that needs at least 8 hours to be a happy camper, lol. i stayed up way to late. then you get to that stage where you have your second wind and can't go to sleep now. yep, that was me last night. then when i went to sleep i was restless all night long. so really don't even think i got a full 3 hours. though that was MY choice, right? that is what i have been finding all morning...choices. it started with mY attitude, then the kids, friends and now mY blog! i feel like i keep repeating myself sometimes. then i think if i keep repeating it, it must be something i need to take a closer look at. we all have choices to make in our lives. some good, bad, ugly, scary, difficult whatever it may be. we all know that with these choices there are good results and bad ones, right? so what choices are you making? i was dealing, yes dealing with my younger son this morning and gave him a choice...clean the dishwasher before i took him to school or not. he decided he would walk. so i decide he would be grounded. he decided "no". i decided "if you keep it up no football game tomorrow". choice? do the dishes before i take you to school... his final decision was... they were done before i came back out to the kitchen. was i wrong to ask this? was he wrong to disobey his mother? questions we all at some point think about and choices we have to make. sometimes our choices are ones we really don't want to make. maybe because you don't want to, you don't want to hurt someone else or you just don't want to ask it. quoting a friend this morning..."we think we are being inconsiderate but really, we are just being true to what we want". is this not truE? so well stated. thank you for that. :0) we have a choice. today you will make many. be true to what you want!! then live with what you have decided. good, bad, ugly, scary, difficult...whatever. have a terrific thursday! *hugs*
ps. didn't get to touch my art journal. so sad. i will try again today. here is my fRont cover and an inside page. got all of my pages doNe and ready. i am sooo excited!!! now all i have to do is write, get caught up, put in pictures and embellish!! terrifiC was, it was!!


wendylu said...

ya im hoping that i make the right decisions but it just doesnt turn out that way all the time. i know what you mean. it definately gave me something to think about. thank you.

Bonnie said...

hello, thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your blog header picture-such a pretty road and a great title for a blog! Your art journal looks great! All the best with the challenge!