Sunday, September 30, 2007

ShaRe YOUR storY...

my evening did not end with the 3 scrappin sisters. i went to visit my fRiend who i haven't seen since may. here it was 9:30 pm and i had and hour drive home and i felt i needed to see her. you know sometimes in lifE we don't know why but, we need to do it anyways. well, can i just tell you i am so glad i did!! you know who your true fRiends are when the call, e-mails and visits are few but, in time of need you know who will be there. i hope she knows i will ALWAYS be there for her and her famiLy. my feeling of being there hit home for me. she has been dealing with some true hard issues with her daughter. her daughter is a spit image of me when i was a teen. though she is so much prettier than i was back in the 80's. i felt like i was reliving my teenage years all over again. i felt i needed to talk to her. i felt i needed to share with her MY story. it's not something i am proud of or even like sharing but, it needed to be done last night. i hope i made a difference in her. i hope she knows that there is light at the end of her journeY. i hope she knows how much i love her, her parents and siblings love her, her family and friends love her. she is beautiful, she is taLented, she is smart and athletic. all these things and many more. this life is so hard, this life is a test. some pass some fail. i hope she will strive to succeed. to continue to WANT her liFe, her futurE! whatever that may be. i know i do. you are special and loved. i only wish when i was your age i had someone who would come talk with my mom and i. someone to say i've been there, done that and i know what you are going through and i UNDERSTAND!! i do...i truly do. so i may have ended my night by driving home at 2 in the morning with that hour drive. it was MY choice, i wanted too. i wanted to be right there where i was. i felt i did something that needed to be done not only for them but, for me. i shared MY story. my life was touched last night, my life will never be the same. i will continue to share MY story if it will save a LIFE!! i love you gals. *hugs* connie

ps. "d" please listen to this first song and the many others that follow. remember YOU are loved!!


Bradley said...

That's awesome!!! One of the things I enjoyed the most about teaching Jr High and High School was the fact that I could tell the kids that I was not too far removed from where they were. I understood. If at least 5 of the hundreds of kids I taught listened, I did my job. I am sure you did your job last night. You have a way of making people listen. Good JOB!!!!

wendylu said...

i know you made a difference. how much, i dont know but i know you made a difference. i know how caring you can be and i know how straight forward you can be. i think she probably needed to hear it and i think she was glad to have you. love ya tons