Monday, September 17, 2007

the rest is still unwritten...

so today i decided to try something new. i am a lurker on many of my friends and companies blogs. as i read these blogs i find myself getting inspired, finding out about their lives and over all feeling of wonder. today i said to myself... get your feet wet. not sure how many will read my blog, how many will find inspiration or will leave me comments but, i feel it's time. for me it will be a place to write and post about my journey in this so called life. this will be my place where... "the rest is still unwritten".


Anonymous said...

YEA YEA YEA!! You started a blog!!! But now the true test is will you keep it up??? Having a blog is so much fun and will get addicting I tell ya!! Can't wait for new pictures and to get to keep up more with your family.


Unknown said...

Good Job Connie - look forward to all your daily happenings

Lillian said...

Good Luck! I've always thought it would be fun to do a blog.

Jean Harper said...

Welcome to world of BLOGGERS.. i love writing in mine; it is my journal.. Can't wait to read yours weekly. I'll put you on my favorites and here is my blog addhttp:

Bradley said...

I know you will enjoy it. I know I do. I am looking forward with a great deal of anticipation to what lies ahead on these pages....

Christine said...

Yeah! Connie! I am so glad you have a blog now.

Tammy said...

Great to see you on the blogspot. I am just getting into it also for our family so I hope you keep it up. I love being able to keep up with you this way.


Janna said...

Great Connie, I'll add you to my favorites to keep watch on your goings on up there where it is nice and cool.

suellen said...

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Ghandi & MOM. Connie, you are the one and only one who can determine what is to be written in your book of life. Each page is crisp and clean. When you begin a new day, you begin a new chapter. How blessed we all are that you share your new day, your new chapter in your book of life with so many of us in your daily blog. You sing,Girl! You sing out loud and proud. You remember who you are and where you came from. You go,Girl! And never forget how beautiful you truly are outside and most importantly--inside! And yes, there is so much left yet unwritten! And never forget-- I love you, baby!