Friday, September 21, 2007


well, i think today is my down day. i might need to go back and read my last few blogs to get this girl in happy mode. you know i am just having one of those days. a day where nothing seems to go right. a lot on my plate and a lot to try and get accomplished today. if i write on my blog i can at least scratch this off my long to do list. any of you out there have those days? what do you do to get past it? it's friday and i should be excited for the weekend but, with 4 soccer games all different times and places i don't think i will be enjoying my weekend. i take that back!! i will enjoy watching my kids play and take many pictures. i just feel like i need a break!! a break for myself. if i don't take care of me, who will? i mean taking a true timeout!! what it would be like to sit and scrapbook, take a hot bath, go out to lunch with some girlfriends, get a pedicure...anything!! i hear you jo ann. she is the one that reminds me to take mE time. maybe i just need to take 5 and have a little quiet time. no music, turn off the phones, off the computer, tv off and just sit and hear myself breathe. truly breathe.... yep that is what i am gonna do. i'll try and post later and let you know how i'm doing. have a great weekend!!


Bradley said...

I second the me time thing! I'd love a pedicure.

Christine said...

I think it was in the air Friday ... they are usually the best day and I could not wait for it to be over. Hope you took some "me" time and made it a great day!