Thursday, January 5, 2023

we meet again...

every year i tell myself to start writing again. start doing more of what you love. then of course, there is life. but, really??

turning the big 5-0 last year really put me through some major emotions. there were so many good highs in 2022 though don't let that all fool ya. i had too many lows that really shook my soul. i mean, REALLY shook me to the core. since then i have decide it was time to work on me, AGAIN. yep, it's a never ending process. you know what, it's okay. we are always changing, evolving, becoming someone new. i like the new, i am eNjoYing it more than i thought. is it easy, HECK TO THE NO!! dealing with all the ups and downs and the emotions and physical parts, are not my favorite.

2023, i have truly decided that if i don't take care of me, then who will? it's time! 

it's time to get out of my comfort zone.

it's time to take some risks.

it's time to shed some baggage.

it's time to heal.

it's time to forgive myself.

it's time to love deeper.

it's time to let more love in.

it's time to smile more.

it's time to be happy. 

it's time to eNjoY life.

it's time to make new memories.

it's time to let go of the heavy.

it's time to truly breathe.

it's time to become who i really want to be.


~cjb 1.5.23

it's TIME people. what is this life for if i am not living it how I want to be living it. eNjoYing it how it should be. will i hurt other's feelings, probably. do i mean to, heck no. i just really need to stick to my bounders (that i am still working on) and put me first.

last year my word for the year was TIME and it truly served me well. this year as i am still searching for my word, i know when i find it. it will feel just right. so as i continue this journey, i hope you all will come along. i want you on this journey with me. it helps when we have a tribe to support one another and who are like minded like we are.

as my family continues to grow i am truly blessed in knowing that love was all i needed to find this much happiness. each one of these souls make my journey one to remember. it may not always be easy, though they are soooo worth it. 

cheers to you and your family in 2023. may it be filled with love, challenges, joy, peace and so much becoming!



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