Monday, December 19, 2011

traditions...lOvE them!

one of our family traditions is to have a bake day with oma {my mom}.  we seriously bake all day making cookies, candies and breads.  then when we are done we will make goodie plates for family, friends and our neighbors.  this is something we have been doing since my kids could walk.  oh to look back at all the pictures and the wonderful memories is just AWESOME!! 

this year we did all the baking at my house.  we also invited trevor & dallin's girlfriends {kyah & adeline}.  we got a late start on saturday and had a couple not so good turn outs but accomplished much.  yet, there were no frosted sugar cookies.  so on sunday we baked some more and MORE!!  i think i finished at about um, midnight!  i left the frosting of those remaining cookies for today.

we ended up making peppermint sugar cookies {thanks heather for the recipe and the cookies}, peanut blossoms, no bakes, frosted and decorated sugar cookies, niemen marcus cookies, carmel brownies {which didn't turn out}, chocolate peanut butter fudge, white candy, toffee and 12 loaves of banana bread!  we figured out we have about 18 plates to make up and deliver today.

i think what i loved and cherished most about this tradition and weekend was just being with my family!  teaching them, watching them, sharing with them, laughing with them and loving them.  spending the time with them for 2 whole days.  teenagers and young adults may i remind you!  i loved spending the time with my mom as well.  this was SO needed.  i think for the both of us!

this is a tradition that will NEVER get old for me.  i am so blessed my mom started it so many years ago.  i only hope i may carry this wonderful tradition on with my grandchildren as she has.  {ok, now i'm crying} 

i am truly blessed!  these past few months have had there ups and downs and i can honestly say...this weekend took that all away. 
this weekend showed me what is most important to me. 
this weekend filled my heart. 
this weekend made me laugh and cry.
this weekend i remembered those who left us way too soon.
this weekend taught me so much.
this weekend i loved deeply.
this weekend i gave much.
this weekend was really special to me. 
this weekend was AWESOME.
this weekend MEMORIES were made. 
this weekend will always be PRICELESS.

i hope you all have a fuN, fabulous weekend making memories with those you love.  i am blessed every day with so much.  i am grateful for all of my trials and tribulations as they have brought me right here.  to this very place.  to this very moment.  for that i am one truly happy, brave, strong, loving girl!

what family traditions do you LOVE?


patrice said...

Sweetness!!! Not just all the cookies and candy.... Your tradition- cooking with your mom is delightfully delish! Wishing you a merry Christmas sweet brave loving girl!

Mikal said...

So LOVE this and your traditions. I KNOW you will keep it going.

Hugs (I miss you!)