Saturday, December 31, 2011

goodbye 2011

i still can't put my head around it that 2011 will be over in a matter of hours.  that 2012 will be here in no time.  all year i kept saying "this year seems to be flying by".  now as i look back on it, it really did.  a lot has happened in 2011 and i know much of what has happened i have not accepted.  there is much i learned and a lot i didn't take advantage of in 2011.  there are a lot of things i wish to forget.  there are many of things i will NEVER forget.  as the years keep coming {faster it feels like} i want to make wiser decisions on how to remember the years gone by.  i want to make each year more meaningful to me.  i want to cherish it more, love it more, nurture it, remember it, honor it and lay it to rest. 

i am going to start 2012 with a challenge.  i am going to choose ONE LITTLE WORD to live with for the entire year.  this concept was started and created by {ali edwards}.  you can read more about one little word {HERE}.  i have struggled to pick just the right word {this is very tough}.  i don't know if it's because it's my first time, because there are so many good words or just nerves.  i have been shuffling a few words around but this one keeps coming back to me.  i. don't. know. why.  i am trying not to allow other people's words to influence me in choosing my word.  after reading ali's statement of choosing a word..."This is not your mother's word or your spouse's word or your child's word - this is YOUR word" and how some words "choose YOU" i have finally decided. 

my one little word:

1. reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2. confident expectation of something; hope.

3. confidence in the certainty of future payment for property or goods received; credit: to sell merchandise on trust.
4. a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust.

this word chose me.  it kept coming back to me.  i don't know why or how it will apply to me in 2012 but it's mY word.  as i embark on this new journey with one little word.  i hope you will join in as well. {HERE}  i am expecting 2012 to be an eventful and memorable year for me.  here are just some of the reasons why...
  •  i will turn the big 4-o
  • i will have been married for 2 years
  • i will have 2 children in their 2o's
  • i will be sharing in my little girl turning sweet 16
  • i will be watching my youngest son drive
  • i will be living my one little word
  • i will be setting some new goals
  • i will be remembering and cherishing each day
  • i will become healthier
  • i will fight my depression
  • i will run again
  • i will love deeper
  • i will fly
  • i will strengthen my friendships
  • i will cherish life
  • i will heal
  • i will take on new adventures
  • i will meet more of my extended family
  • i will listen
  • i will strengthen my marriage
  • i will learn
  • i will stand strong
  • i will allow more people in
  • i will walk with my head held high
  • i will smile more
  • i will live
  • i will be enough
  • i will be brave
  • i will make time for myself
  • i will remember...i AM a survivor
i am so blessed to be alive and learn from my past.  as i welcome 2012, i hope to live my life for me.  NOT for anyone else.  i hope to learn every day and make myself aware of that very moment.  all that it has, all that i can learn from, all that it will give me. 

i am thankful for YOU!  for you jumping in on my joyride of a journey.  for sharing with me, carrying me, teaching me and loving me.  i am blessed to have you in my life.  i am grateful to call you friend.

happy new year's eve.  may you have a safe & wonderful evening.  may 2012 become a great year!


1 comment:

Janna said...

Beautifully written, Connie!! U r an inspiration to so many of us! I love u & cherish our friendship. Thank u for being u & for being a TRUE friend. 2012 is going to be an amazing year!! Love u my friend!!!