Monday, October 12, 2009

can't sleep...

i find myself surfing the web at 1:30 am and watching the food network channel. now i am hungry and filled with emotions, lol!! i feel like i have not truly blogged in forever. that i have put everything else first and myself second, or third...ok LAST!! as i was surfing i saw a post on melody's facebook and went directly to the link. it was a blog...i read so many and now another. i seem to not have time to post on any as i want to read them all and not leave anyone out. not like you would know, but i do, lol!! anywho the blog i read belongs to jeanne. someone i have never met but will. as i read her blog {a bushel and a peck} it seriously made me cry. the music was just perfect!! i would have to ditto the words she wrote so wonderfully. my only trouble is...gUiLt!! i have it every time i feel i want/need to take time for me. with all of our hectic-ness in our lives we always seem to put ourselves last. why is this? as jeanne states "what are we teaching our children"? i don't want them to grow up to think that they are not important and that their time to meditate, breathe, relax, read...whatever their personal time is, is NOT important. the famous saying "if momma ain't happy, then no one is happy" is true, isn't it ladies? i know that in my life {like many others} is crazy, busy, stressful, tough, trials, full of laughter and tears and constantly of go-go-go moments!! we need to sit, be still and find US!! find mE! that is what i will be doing this week {i hope}. i am attending the first annual BRAVE GIRLS CAMP. i am hoping to come back brave, uplifted, happy, stronger and ready to concur the world and my fears. as i try and sleep tonight with LOADS on my mind and a "to-do list" like a mile long i hope i remember that i DESERVE this. that i NEED this. that i am WORTH this. that i am BRAVE. that i am woman and it's time to SOAR!!! nite all. much love and happiness to you as you embrace monday. {{hugs}}

ps. thanks jeanne for the reminder. ;)


Jeanne Oliver said...

I can't wait to meet you at BGC!!! I know this is going to be such a huge blessing in our lives!!! Travel safe!

Janean said...

i think i'm getting over the "i deserve it" but can't always shake "what will others think?"
maybe it's because of the career we have that allows others to comment and criticize (occasionally compliment)? apprehension and creativity are not good friends. *wink*

Jeanne Oliver said...

I loved meeting you and I hope we can get to know each other better though email and blogs! Are those real???

Christi said...

I miss you a lot and hope you have a great week .. I am trying to catch up on sleep

Christi said...

I miss you and hope you have a great week I am trying to catch up on sleep love ya