Thursday, February 19, 2009

trying to understand...

i am having a really difficult time right now. we seem to always think things are bad in our lives. that our lives are so full of negativity and crap. hear of someone else's life. you sit back and say to yourself... it could be worse, right? well, i feel like mY family has been hit with a ton of bricks. my aunt cindy, the one that i am always quoting here was just diagnosed with rare stomach cancer. our family is still in shock! we are asking any of you who feel the need to help us find the right doctors for her to fast and pray. we are doing a family fast saturday night until sunday at 4 pm. any and all prayers are so much appreciated. it's a true test of faith when something like this occurs. you have all sorts of emotions...denial, anger, fear, frustration and so much more. you wonder why them? why would God do this to someone so righteous. someone who has so much to give and so much more to offer. you are so full of emotions that you wish it was a dream. well, it's not and now we have to face this with positiveness and hope. hope to find the right doctors for this rare cancer. hope that she and her family will stay strong. hope that her body will do all it can to continue to hold on. i am sooo blessed to have my aunt in my life. she has taught me more than she knows. she is a true child of God and i am honored to call her my aunt. may we all remember that this life is short. that you never know what God has in store for you. that you treat each day as if it were your last. that you love always, laugh much and forgive others! i love you aunt cindy! you are my hero!!


Jo Dee said...

Something I have found in my life is that sometimes others myst endure a hard trial so that others grow. Just don't let this pass by without asking "what should I learn from this?" And be grateful to your Aunt for enduring it so that a lesson may be learned.

{connie} said...

thank you so much jo! you have always been one to have words of great wisdom. yes, this is another lesson for me to learn from and i will! love you

Kaelene said...

I have to agree . . . each trial that we and our loved ones face MUST be treated as a learning experience. (Though I know that it is easier said than done, sometimes!!)
Have faith, my friend. Heavenly Father will take care of His children.

Rachel Ann said...

Connie...i'm so sorry to hear about your Aunt. I will definitely lift you and your family up in prayer!

dianna said...

Your Aunt Cindy sounds like my Aunt Cindy...

Prayers are headed your way*!*

Tammy said...

We were so sad to hear about Aunt Cindy! We are truly praying for her and her family. Chad fasted and now we can only hope for the best. I know the Lord will help her to pull through if she has faith and that is what supposed to happen. It is such a hard time!