Saturday, April 12, 2008

playing catch up...

ok, so i know i have been absent for quite some time. many things happening here at the hastings' household. with spring break, only 6 weeks of school left, little league starting, all the end of the year school activities, work (all 3 of them) and my traveling- it has been craZy!! i want to try and catch you all up on things real quick if possible.

dallin went to cali during spring break to watch my brother, his uncle chad run in the ironman. this is where you swim, ride a bike and run. he had a blast! he has since then started track and got first in the 800 and 3rd in the mile at the same meet. i think he got a little pumped watching the ironman race.

while he was in cali i took austin, trevor and haleigh on a mini vacation to mesa for their fuN. we stayed two nights at a hotel with a pool. haleigh is like a fish...we swam ALL DAY on friday. then went to dinner with debbie and tanner and saw a movie. saturday we went and hung out with cousins. as my kids are know as the "big" cousins. we saw the merrill's and the macdonald's. it was fuN for them to just play and hang out. saturday night we hung out at deb's with tanner & ashley. trevor and ashley are the exact same age. she is only 4 hours older. it's hard to believe that in less than 2 weeks they will be 16! (got to get his pictures ready for his birthday slide show)
after spring break it was back to the real world with work and school. i then had my first teaching gig in st. louis for sei. though when i got there it really wasn't in st. louis it was in collinsville, il. it was a blast!! the sei group is amaZing and a total blast to work for. i don't want to leave anyone out but, i will try and mention you all...brittany, josh, val, lynn, george, sally, robert leanna, lisa and the owners linda and sid. please forgive me if i missed any of you. you all rock!!! can't wait until mesa. i only have this one photo of me and one of my students, debbie. i was hoping to receive more before this post but, have not.

when i got home i found out we added another cousin to the clan. galen's brother and his wife has a little baby boy, ryan. he was born sunday, april 6th. welcome to the world baby ryan!! congratulations doyle, jody & big sister allie. sorry no picture yet.

on monday i received a phone call from a friend needing a scrapbook layout and a card by wednesday. ok, i have got to learn to say "no". needless to say i took 3 hours out of my busy schedule and did it for her. nothing fancy but here is what i did. it is a money card holder and an 8 1/2 x 11 layout.

thursday i went to get my hair done and felt it was time for a new do. i added some more color and cut 8 inches off. i sooooo LOVE it!!! thanks rhonda.

now it is saturday and i am eNjoYing my relaxing weekend. i know i have a busy week ahead of me as monday haleigh and i go to flagstaff for a doctors appt then i leave thursday for ckc-mesa. hope all is well with everyone out in this busy world. *night*


dianna said...

LOVE your new *do* Ma'am*!*
Glad you're back :)

Christine said...

I LOVE your hair! You are always so sassy ... maybe I will run into you at ckc mesa!

Chad Bennett said...

Congratulations Dallin on the 800 and the mile, You rock! Connie, Galen, Austin, Trevor and Haleigh, We missed you all in Cali. Hope to see you soon. We miss you guys!

Tammy said...

Man!! You guys have been busy! Way to go Dallin, he is FAST! He can come over and get pumped up anytime, we love racing and we're glad he could come. LOVE your hair! Looks really cute. I can't believe you had 8 INCHES to cut off before that. I'd love to see the before pictures so I can see how long it was. i dont' think I've ever seen your hair that long! Swimming is so fun! I am glad the kids are doing well. We miss you guys!