Monday, April 21, 2008

not enough time...

much to do this week and not much time to blog. wanted to send a quick thank you to my wonderful sei crew. they are truly amaZing!!! before i left the mesa show this weekend they had a cake for me. my birthday is next week and i can not believe how thoughtful they were to think of me. i had an awesome weekend teaching. saw many friends and had a blast with all of my 700+ students. if i receive any pictures i will make sure to post them. well, gotta get some sleep...i have not had much sleep since last wednesday. gotta get that to do list going as i know i will forget something... *night*

received a picture from michelle...she traveled all the way from texas to attend the mesa-ckc. wow!! thanks michelle!! hope you had a great time and eNjoYed your sei classes.

1 comment:

dianna said...

I SO want to come to one of your classes*!*

Did you recruit one of your students for A Deck Of Me? One of them joined and I wasn't sure if you told her about it or it was just a crazy coincidence ;)