Wednesday, January 23, 2008

{locks of LoVe}

today i had a to do list that is forever long. did i get much accomplished, uh no. why...cause i took time out to cut my daughter's hair. she has been bugging me to cut it and i keep putting it off. she has the most beautiful long blond hair. i just really don't want her to cut it. i keep saying if you cut will turn brown. well, that lasted about 6 months. we have been wanting to donate it to locks of love. i thought it was only 6 inches but, it is 10. that is another reason why i have postponed cutting it. so tonight i got out the ruler and measured her up. guess what...we did it! we cut her long locks an entire 11 inches. it was so sad for me but, she was so happy. here are a few pictures we took. i am so proud of her. her willingness to cut it and donate it to those suffering without hair. what an amaZing act of kindness we can do for someone who is in need to feel "normal". i am so proud of my little girl. she even filled out all the paper work herself. in the comment area, she left a tear jerker. thanks for allowing me to share in such a special moment haleigh. i love you bug-a-boo!!! i hope we have learned from such a kind, caring, loving little 11 year old that hair is hair and it will grow back. that her willingness to cut it to share it with those in need is trulY amaZing and a grand jester of LoVe!!! thanks for looking...


Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart!!! I love it!! Her haircut is totally cute, what beautiful hair!!

dianna said...

You raised a sweetie pie*!*

suellen said...

Lots of Love and Locks of Love! Haleigh, I am so very proud of you.
I still say we should have put it in the newspaper. When I get back to Snowflake, I will do it. It is a great act of love and kindness that you both did for someone else. Keep us posted on the blog as to the status of what happens. You go, girls! I am proud of both of your acts of kindness and love. I love you my babies!

Anonymous said...

Haleigh I really love your haircut.
What a great idea to share it. Look forward to seeing it in person.