Tuesday, March 3, 2015

meet my grandson...

i  would like to introduce to you my grandson!! 

i am extremely blessed to have this little miracle in my life.  i don't think he knows how very important he is yet.  he came into the world a bit early and yet so perfect from heaven.  i know that he chose his mama and dad for a reason.  i know that he chose them to be his parents as he has a lot to teach them and all of his family members.  he has a purpose and for that, now we all have a responsibility to help him fulfill it.  god and beau chose when it was time to come to earth.  beau was ready even though his parents may not have been.  maybe none of us were fully ready to welcome this little miracle into our lives.  though i know there is never a right or wrong time.  what i can share with you is that life is a miracle!!  that any child born has a purpose!!  whether that purpose is short lived or with challenges, life has PURPOSE!!

welcome beau wesley!!  this memaw
\ {instead of grandma as i am too young, lol} will do her best to love, spoil, guide, kiss boo-boos, keep secrets {wait, maybe not, lol}, have sleep overs, take you places, teach you things and remind you how very special you are until the day god calls me home.  i love you to the moon and back and then some for always.

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