Tuesday, September 29, 2015


i want to remember all that i learned while at a retreat {one move retreat} hosted by the amazing liz lamoreux.  one of the biggest reminders of self*care for myself is to be STILL.  learn to be quiet and listen to what my mind, body and soul needs.  then ask if i need anything.  if i don't take care of myself, i can't be there for anyone else.  as i type this and listen to my fingers tapping on the keyboard while it's quiet around me, i feel centered, grounded and free from the chaos.  i can hear my beating heart, focus on my breath and smile as peace enters in.  i can close my eyes and feel the breeze on my face, the smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves and know that i am oK.  

water calms my souL in a way that i can not explain.  my heart yearns for this calm all the time.  if i can't be near the water, i must remember it.  i must as i need to remind myself often that connie needs to take care of herself too, as i spends countless time, energy and hours taking care of others.  that i need to do all things possible to make sure i am healthy, happy and centered.  i know it's not easy to take care of myself as that is not something i've ever been good at.  i am worth it and know the importance of it, so that is what i am doing today...seLf*caRe.

may your day be filled with all the things that bring you peace.

love and hugs

photo credit: mE

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

meet my grandson...

i  would like to introduce to you my grandson!! 

i am extremely blessed to have this little miracle in my life.  i don't think he knows how very important he is yet.  he came into the world a bit early and yet so perfect from heaven.  i know that he chose his mama and dad for a reason.  i know that he chose them to be his parents as he has a lot to teach them and all of his family members.  he has a purpose and for that, now we all have a responsibility to help him fulfill it.  god and beau chose when it was time to come to earth.  beau was ready even though his parents may not have been.  maybe none of us were fully ready to welcome this little miracle into our lives.  though i know there is never a right or wrong time.  what i can share with you is that life is a miracle!!  that any child born has a purpose!!  whether that purpose is short lived or with challenges, life has PURPOSE!!

welcome beau wesley!!  this memaw
\ {instead of grandma as i am too young, lol} will do her best to love, spoil, guide, kiss boo-boos, keep secrets {wait, maybe not, lol}, have sleep overs, take you places, teach you things and remind you how very special you are until the day god calls me home.  i love you to the moon and back and then some for always.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

begin again...

the worst part of beginning again...being sick.

Monday, January 5, 2015

today i begin again...

today i begin again. i will do what i want, i will do what i need and i will do it anyways to make 2015 a great year! today i will begin the steps necessary to gain myself back.  to let go and move forward.  to be happy and enjoy what life has to offer and what i have been blessed with.  today i will begin again, even if it's hard, even if i don't want to, even if i fall, even if it hurts, even if i'm scared, even if it makes me cry!  today i WILL begin again!