Monday, May 19, 2014

she is enough!

my heart aches as i just finished reading another blog on how mental illness has taken control over someone's life.  this sweet girl McKenna, only 18 has discovered that she has BPD {BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER}.
{photo credit}
i can not say enough about how BRAVE she is.  please read blog and share her{ story}.  the more people know, the more they understand.  if only i knew what she is learning now, how much better and easier my life could of been.  this young lady is wise beyond her years and i am truly proud to say i know her family.  i hope she knows she is NEVER alone and that she IS ENOUGH!!!
 this life is a true test and adventure, what we learn from it only makes us better and stronger.  remember, we don't wear signs and we don't know what others may be going through.  show love, be kind, give a smile, a hug or simple gesture to acknowledge them.  we are all struggling with some kind of trials in this large big world, please don't make it harder on someone else to make yourself feel better.  he never said it would be easy, he only said it would be worth it.
may is BPD awareness month and it's a great time to learn more, share more, help more and love more.
{here} you can read my post i wrote over 2 years ago.
love and hugs

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

how are you today?

today i am struggling.

i know it's been awhile since i have blogged.
a lot has been going on in my life since my aunt went home to heaven.
i find the days  and nights difficult.
i know this will take time...i know this, but it's hard.

i do believe i AM a giver.
that no matter what is going on with my life, i take the time for others.
i have been taking this class soul restoration from the brave girls club.
it has made me REALLY dig into my soul.
into my ENTIRE soul...
the good.
the bad.
the ugly.
the sad.
the happy.
the scared.
the funny.
the confused.
it's been really hard for me to allow myself to stir up these emotions.
after doing so...i am to see them for what they are and then move forward.
to not allow my past to hold me back anymore.

have you done this?
i tell you...
it is very HARD!

i realized that for most of my life i have been...
in pain
lost loved ones
lost friends
been alone

i know at times being alone is ok but feeling really alone is down right scary!
i know that NO ONE can make me happy.
i know that things won't make me happy.
i know that without loving myself FIRST...
i CAN'T be happy.
i won't feel loved!

have you ever thought about what it is that holds you back?

what holds you back of truly being happy?

what is it that makes you sad or feel alone?

"be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle".
~author unknown

thanks for stopping by. 
i do love you, ALL of you!!!