Tuesday, June 14, 2011

simple things...

yesterday i went to the oh so famous yearly doctor. can i just tell you...their scale is soooo wrong. then again, maybe not. it was the same as last year, so maybe it was just right. then last night i played co.ed softball. again.i didn't realize how truly out of shape i was until i had to run from 1st base to 3rd. let's just say it was tough to let go of the caboose. i am telling you this because with a doctor's appointment and a co.ed game i realized a couple of things.
1. i need to work out!
2. i'm glad i went to them both.

my doctors appointment is the usual yearly. this time it was a little different. my doctor is retiring and i have a little sadness. i mean, when you find someone you feel, should i say "comfortable" with ,you want them to be that doctor forever. he has done two remarkable surgeries for me. for that i am truly grateful. i realized that i will be 4-0 in 10 months and i am getting a mammogram now. kinda worried but then i guess i have always been the kind of person who wants to "know" if something is wrong instead of not knowing. after that we may have to do an ultra sound. so, i am keeping my fingers crossed and saying a few prayers that all is well with my girls.

at our co.ed game i was the 3rd oldest on the team. playing with a bunch of young-ens. even the other team we played was filled with all high schoolers. i kinda have to laugh at the thought that i AM getting older. i have always felt young, but in comparison to actual "youngsters" i am NOT as young as i thought. what i gain from playing is...

i am playing with my dad.
i am playing with my husband.
i am playing with my two boys.
i am playing to socialize.
i am playing for time.
i am playing for my health.
i am playing because i can.

i know i am not the best person on the team but to play with my two boys in a chance of a life time. PRICELESS!! i said all through practice to them...are you sure i won't embarrass you? are you sure you want to play with me? i think at times they just said yes so they wouldn't hurt my feeling. even though a couple of times they both did. what i have to keep reminding myself is...live in THIS moment.

so i didn't get a home run.
so i didn't catch that ball.
so i didn't get to first base.
so i didn't take the walk.
so i didn't strike out.
so i didn't change pitchers.
so we didn't win.

i DID live in the moment!!

i did see the smiles on my boys' faces as they watched their girlfriends play.
i did see the kidding everyone was enjoying.
i did see my dad get hurt.
i did see our team struggle to regain our composure.
i did see excitement with our first home run of the season.
i did see some amaZing catches.
i did see all the fun everyone had.
i did see 3 generations all together.

i realize that i am NOT always living in the moment. that i am NOT always taking the time to see life as it is in front of me. sometimes i seem to be too busy to see what is really important. that it's time i really take care of my body. that it's time to stop living in the past and truly live in the present, the NOW. i know i am not perfect in many ways. at least i am doing my best, giving my best and learning along the way. may you stop and see what you may be missing in your life. that moment that you may never get back. i will keep trying to move forward. one foot in front of the other. somtimes just breathing. i don't want miss anyting. not even this very moment.

"eNjoY the little things,
for one day you may look back
and realize they were the big things"
~robert brault

thank you for taking the time to read my blog. thank you for leaving me wonderful comments.
maybe i can help to remind you that this life...
is worth YOU living in it!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am in that DR searching mode. The only dr that I have really loved is my OB. And for 15 years I went there often. But now I need to find one where I can have a relationship like you have had. Have fun playing ball ! You are awesome !