Tuesday, May 31, 2011

my first canvas {and i love it}!!

it's been a really long time since i have pulled an all nighter.  i mean a "true" up all nighter.  i did not go to bed until 8am and i was up before noon.  what kept me up you might ask?  in february i signed up for an online course from the very talented christy tomlinson!  it was a {she art workshop} that i had only watched the videos of.  i had been wanting to actually do a canvas she art since the first day i watched the video.  though my life has been extremely busy.  that even thinking about taking the time for me seemed impossible.

this memorial weekend was very emotional for me, for many reasons.  i was away from my creative place and could not do any art.  i had the urge to create.  i felt i needed to do something to just let myself let go.  to find my "happy place".  to allow myself some much need peace.  i had my art journal with me but didn't have everything i wanted to work with.

last night i got the creative bug.  i thought i would finally pull out a 6 x 12 small canvas and see what these hands and heart would do.  i logged onto the class and enjoyed ever minute of it.  christy is just so down to earth and amaZing to have as a teacher.  she is one lady who the art of creating. 

i took pictures of my process so i could see for myself where this piece started, how it developed and the final results.  my heart is so happy i can't even stand it.  it is making me want to create some more.  i am so very grateful for the opportunity to continue to learn and grow as i create pieces that speak to me.  to create and share my time and talent with others.  i am so thankful to have a hobby that allows me not only share my memories but helps me find that much need peace for my soul.  thank you christy for sharing your time and talents with many of us.  you are one roCkin' gal!!

 first try at canvas

and she begins

watching her come together

  first try at painting hair

 adding more details

what this canvas means to me

i will always dream

isn't she just beautiful! 

man, i can not wait to see what christy has in store next!!  i have 2 more classes and 6 months to get to it. thanks christy for giving me the know how to feel like i could create such an amaZing piece.  i feel alive!!!  and truly at peace.


ps.  thanks lynda for all the goodies to get me motivated on this class.

you can check out christy and all her sites here...

Monday, May 30, 2011

happy memorial day!

i hope today you will take some time from your bbq's, pool parties, camping or vegging to remember our brave men and women, past and present and those who gave their life for this country of ours. 

i am truly grateful for all the members of my family who so willing serve.  i am blessed they all have made it home safely.  i am honored to be a part of their family.  please take the time to teach your children about memorial day.  teach them why we get a day off.  teach them to remember.

thank you to our military who stand up for our freedom.  thank you just doesn't seem enough.  god bless you, your family and the u.s.a

i have also taken some time today to remember all of those who have gone home to heaven as well.  many were taken too soon.  many had a world to still conquer.  many who have touch my life deeply.  i will never forget you.  i will always be grateful for how my life was blessed just by knowing you.  i will always love you!

happy memorial day friends.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

she did it!!

it's hard to believe that my baby girl is growing up so fast.
she was promoted last night from the eighth grade.
she is now a high schooler, YIKES!
where did all those 14 years go?
i was blessed to have spent part of the day with her.
i took her to get her first pedicure.
she was a bit nervous.

we then went home to start getting ready.
haleigh is a girl all her own.
she is my "tom boy".
so when we found this dress.

i cried!
she did not want her hair done up fancy.
no flowers in her hair, no make up.
just her, her dress and flip flops.
she sneaked in and started looking at my jewelry.
i was quietly watching her.
she asked, "should i wear a necklace"?
together we looked through her little stash.
then we looked through mine.
this is what she chose.

to me, it was bitter sweet.
for this necklace means a lot to me.
to her, just something to wear.
when i put it on her i held back the tears.
she is learning to "fly".

she will spread her wings as she enters high school.
she will always be my little girl.
she will always have my heart.
she will always have that beautiful smile.
she will always be an artist.
she will always be a "tom boy" at heart.
she will always be the youngest.
she will always be different.
she will always be the only girl.
she will always be special.

if i could but only live my life in her shoes.
if i could but remember what it was like to be young and free.
if i could but remember how fun life truly is.
if i could but keep that innocence.
if i could but keep the artist in me.
if i could but always remember to fly.

congratulations haleigh nicole hastings!!
i am so proud of you.
i am so blessed to be your mom.
i am honored to be your friend.
you are one special young lady.
i love you boo!

look out world...she is spreading her wings!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

creative escape preview day

this weekend i was able to spend the weekend with some very amaZing ladies.  this weekend was the last time we all would come together for creative escape preview.  this weekend brought back so many wonderful memories.  this weekend was truly what i needed!

this is my creative place.  this is getting all of my last minute supplies ready.

this is when i was driving to chandler from my home
{3 1/2 hours away}. this is what some of the temperature was like.

this is the beauty i was seeing. this is the middle of may in arizona?!

this is picture day of all the wonderful volunteers.

this is janna.  this is who got me into helping 3 out of the 5 years of creative escape!  this is one friend i want to keep forever.

this is joey.  this is one lifelong friend.  this gal is truly a "treasure".  :)

this is only a few of the ladies i will be missing every year.

this is ali edwards.  this is only 1 of the amaZingly, talented teachers who will be sharing her gifts with everyone who attends creative escape 2011.

this weekend was bitter sweet for me.  this weekend will be one that i will treasure for a lifetime.  this weekend makes me truly blessed to know just some of the amaZing women in this fabulous industry.  this weekend makes me sad to think this is the last creative escape.  this weekend makes me smile for bazzill and heidi swapp for their unconditional love of this wonderful industry.  this weekend will always hold a special place in my heart!!

this is your last chance to be a part of creative escape.


as a normal person
day after day
is exhausting.

just a little something to think about. 
i will be back soon to update.

Monday, May 16, 2011

"be kinder than necessary,
for everyone you meet
is fighting some kind of battle".
~author unknown