Wednesday, March 2, 2011

final good-bye...

i am going to say my final good-byes to my sweet aunt cindy tomorrow. i thought i was ready but, i am not so sure. my mom keeps me updated on her status daily. all of her family has been at her side. i am truly blessed to have had her in my life. she is such an example and inspiration to me. she is truly an angel of god!! i love you aunt cindy and you will truly be missed.


i love you aunt cindy!!
re-post of a few blogs entries and a new one.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
trying to understand...
i am having a really difficult time right now. we seem to always think things are bad in our lives. that our lives are so full of negativity and crap. hear of someone else's life. you sit back and say to yourself... it could be worse, right? well, i feel like mY family has been hit with a ton of bricks. my aunt cindy, the one that i am always quoting here was just diagnosed with rare stomach and esophageal cancer. our family is still in shock! we are asking any of you who feel the need to help us find the right doctors for her to fast and pray. we are doing a family fast saturday night until sunday at 4 pm. any and all prayers are so much appreciated. it's a true test of faith when something like this occurs. you have all sorts of emotions...denial, anger, fear, frustration and so much more. you wonder why them? why would God do this to someone so righteous. someone who has so much to give and so much more to offer. you are so full of emotions that you wish it was a dream. well, it's not and now we have to face this with positiveness and hope. hope to find the right doctors for this rare cancer. hope that she and her family will stay strong. hope that her body will do all it can to continue to hold on. i am sooo blessed to have my aunt in my life. she has taught me more than she knows. she is a true child of God and i am honored to call her my aunt. may we all remember that this life is short. that you never know what God has in store for you. that you treat each day as if it were your last. that you love always, laugh much and forgive others! i love you aunt cindy! you are my hero!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
tHaNk yOu

it's been awhile since i have written. tOdaY is a daY i need to write! i have so much to be thankful for. so much to love and live for. my blessing are flowing over and i just can't seem to get it all out today.

don't know why but i started renting movies from netflix. i do know why...the movie rentals and late fees are outrageous! one of the first movies i received is ps. i love you. oh my gosh!!! why have i not seen this movie before. i mean, come's been out for 2 years now. maybe it wasn't the right time to see it. then when i got it and read the cover...i thought, do i want to watch this movie right now. with all that is going on in my life and with my aunt, i just can't. i have had this movie for 5 days and i put it in this morning. WOW is all i can say. i took so much out of this movie. life is short and we must live it and treasure every moment of it. if we don' just might not be worth living. so what if you have a bad day or someone made you mad. what are you gonna do about it? how are you going to deal with it? we have all had a loved one pass on, right? how did you cope? what did you do to celebrate their life? did you celebrate it or did you just treat it as another day? how do you celebrate it years later? what did you learn if anything? people make mistakes. we are suppose to. if we don't, we would be perfect and NO ONE is perfect! we are to dust ourselves off, jump back up and move forward. i know i have said this before but it is all coming full circle and hitting me right in the face.

"it's the little things" i say, that mean the most. the "i love you most", the good nights, the kisses when you tuck the kids in bed, the smiles on faces, the smell of fresh cut grass, the "hellos" and so many more. i am done trying to figure this life out. i have decided it's time to LIVE it! to celebrate the little things. to say thaNk yOu when complimented, to smiLe when i really don't want to cause maybe someone is falling in love with mY smile. it's giving when you have nothing else to give.

so this blog is my creativity for the day. mY something new that made me laugh, cry and smile all at the same time. it's my time to say "thank you" to all of you. for your support, your words, your thoughts, your kindness, your friendship and love! thanks for all the things you continue to do for me in mY life!!

"i am ok, i am alright. though you have gone from my life. you said that it would, now everything should be alright". ~flogging molly

january 13, 2011
so i have been absent for a long while, have many "draft" blogs and still no posting from me. well i came home from the mayo hospital in phoenix last night. after all this time...we thought my aunt cindy was a cancer survivor!! all her PET scans came back good and things were somewhat back to "normal" for her. well not so...on december 23rd she went to the hospital for her 6 week stretch of her esophagus and she was admitted until january 2nd. on monday january 10th she was rushed to the er and admitted to the icu. family and friends were told to come. now it will be in the Lord's hands on His time. the cancer has spread all over. it's now in her liver and around her heart. i made a decision to drop what i was doing because i DO NOT want to have any regrets at the start of a new year or anymore in my life. i asked my 4 children if they would like to see their aunt cindy before she is called home. each one of them said "yes". so we packed our bags and off we went at 7pm to go to the valley. we arrived at 11pm, i settled them all in, we slept or at least the kids did and in the morning we headed to the hospital. each one of my precious children talked to their aunt and said they loved her. she allowed me to capture a photo {left my camera in the car} on my cell phone of my four children with our favorite aunt cindy!!

this photo will be cherished FOREVER along with the other ones and all the memories i have with her. aunt cindy...did i ever tell you you're my HERO!!! you're everything i wish i could be. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS AND FOREVER.

today i am letting myself cry, letting my soul feel. today i am letting my body rest and trying to go to where the peace is. today i am reminded again what really is important in this life...FAMILY !!!

until next time my friends.


arlsmom aka Lynda said...

My beautiful friend...I am keeping you so very close in my heart...please know how very loved you are and that you are not alone...xxoo

Unknown said...

Connie, I am so very sorry that you all are having to deal with such a heart breaker. I don't know if I ever met your aunt, maybe at one of the softball games many moons ago(?) I love you all and I will say many prayers for all of the family.

Tammy said...

oh we love Aunt Cindy. She truly is the greatest. I wish we could be there to say goodbye too. Send our love and we love you guys too! The greatest thought in death is that they will soon feel better and perfect. No more pain or strife. It is so hard to lose them though. Love you!